Updated Mab in PvP graphs

You first :wink:

If 1000 players see 100 players 100 player switch to say a daemon based deck like sheep they might follow or like donkeys they might not.

That would run counter to my stated goal of raising your blood pressure.


You clearly underestimate how much what is posted here influences what players field.
Do you think all the people fielding Maw against you do that because they feel it is the best defense?
How would they even make that assessment seeing as Maw defense win% is only marginally if at all higher than the win% of any mildly thought through random defense.
No they field these teams because inflammatory forum threads praise them to be something incredibly strong, or because they see them fielded by high level players.

You might be right, it could be too late to put the Mawnie back in its bottle without presenting the herd the next best hyped up thing, but don’t disregard the fact that this herd just followed what has been hyped up in the first place, regardless of whether they read it here on the forums or saw it in the top players defenses.


Let’s just hype wildfolk teams and be done with it, they one shot maw with 2 of their creatures and have 2 sets of bonuses. One of those that can 1 shot maw can not be targeted by his spell and after maw eats it can 2 shot the beast. Rakshanin and black panther i choose you! Also one of the beasts can silence maw or whatever in the first spot making the team at least desent. Also i think rak comes with fast though i wish it had empowered instead.

Wild Fang one shots them and True Damage teams would have a field day.

There you go now to hype the ever living sh/t out of it and hopefully the meta will change to be more interesting.

Nah… I think only a small proportion of top tier players are reading these forums… And most will be smart enough to realise that (1) they hate the coin toss of fighting a maw/mercy team, so putting it on defence may scare people off, and/or (2) for top tier players the only way you can possibly lose an invade is if maw rngmunches you and we’re inventivised to try to win defences for points…

Yup. So where from here? Players will field as defenses those teams that defeated their invades. Either such a team exists (Maw currently) or it does not. There will be no variety unless Maw is nerfed to the point where every 1%er wins every invade, or something else is buffed to be just as “annoying.”

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Now if we could see what team it was that defeated us, that might make the meta change a little more often.


Maybe, but what makes a good offense does not often make a good defense, because most successful offenses require forethought, which the AI is not blessed with.

No, but what I meant was if we could see what their offense was we could plan a defense around it. Especially if we start seeing a lot of similar offenses.

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Fair enough, though by changing your defense, the invaders will probably change offense.

Still, I recall the devs saying we’d be able to see the invasion team come 2.0…maybe they changed their minds?

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I thought I remembered seeing that too.

Players constantly running from a meta, rather than converging on one, sounds like it would stimulate a lot more variety. I think I’m repeating myself, however.


How do you do that? Where you highlight a refrence that links to another part of the forum?

I’m guessing it’s the “Insert Hyperlink” button in the reply post dialog… like THIS! (Using the usual “share a link to this post” button to get the link required)

It’s just a hyperlink. You can get a link to any post by clicking the little chain link icon next to the “Like” button. You can insert it as a hyperlink in a post by clicking the same icon above the composition window. You can either type in the text you want under “optional title”, or you can type the text first, highlight it, then click the hyperlink button.

Not by 2.0, but maybe a patch or two later, as far as I can find:

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Oh, there ya go. I guess my memory betrayed me on that one… Thanks for the clarification!