Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

Not a dev, of course,

Why would you believe, outside of writs (which are new), that any current plans regarding known existing systems are going to be changed?

– Delves will be delves. The devs gone on record stating that the design process of delves are a finished product. Only new delves using the current design process will be released moving forward.

– Same with pets. I don’t see anything remotely on the horizon about significant changes with the pet system. On recent streams, the devs seem to be rather solid on their stance on that.

For end-game players, these changes (again, outside of writs), are simply placing a guild theorized 50+ MM (if accurate) wall in front of accessing LTs.

A general gacha game’s economy will let player farm all sorts of resources, except those that allow for the pulling of units of value. Those are always strictly controlled to allow players a chance at obtaining featured units, but never anywhere near enough to allow free players to obtain those units any certainty at all. If you want near-certainty, that’s what in-game purchases are for.

Then, if you are that far at the bleeding edge of the endgame and are overflowing in all those resources in vast quantities, it is indeed all dead weight by intentional design.


Only because the devs hate it when players make a request. They do it. And then the player wants credit for it.

And to be fair… They are doing the opposite of what the Epic Tasks thread was all about. They are devaluing Legendary Tasks even more than they did with the original nerf.

So it’s like telling someone they should get a dog and name it Frank. But they get a cat instead and name it Frank.

Just a bs nerf.

Players won’t just start grinding 3x more gold because the tasks demand it. A lot of us gamers are all or nothing and want a system that is sustainable, but asking us to play 3x more is an unreasonable request and will put a lot of people on the fence about just quitting outright.

Currently I am in one of the top mega-guilds called TUF: Power Gems, and we have a decent gold req of 500k multiplied by 30 players is 15mil, and that covers the 15.6mil for the guild tasks and ensures that we get some LT’s each week. There are not too many guilds out there that can do 30+ LT’s right now that will be able to complete these ‘epic guild tasks’.

So my question is, who does ‘epic guild tasks’ actually help? These are resources for lower level growing players and mid level players to help them get more resources, however the gold levels are insanely high for those players to try to even attain.

Don’t forget about the Rare & Ultra-Rare guild tasks to go along with the Epic, Legendary & Mythic guild tasks. :smirk:

  • List item
    i cant wait for the mythic taskupdate! have to be better than epic tasks right?..right? xD

Yeah I think one thing lost on “this will be good rewards for midgamers” is to effectively farm gold you need to be more on the “endgame” side of the spectrum? GoW is real stingy with farming teams.

There are alternative ways for a company to make money other than changing the game drastically like cosmetics.

There are many other games out there like LOL that I hear make a lot of money based soley on cosmetics and not game changing features so here are some of those suggestions of mine here.

GoW retro card borders

GoW retro hero viking hairstyle/portraits

GoW armor cosmetics. I believe this ‘snake armor’ is on Xbox only atm.


I pay stupid amounts of money for stuff like that.

Retro cards back, please.


Holy …. That brings back memories…
Nice to see somebody else is remembering the “good old days” :rofl:


Looks like it will be time for yet another mass exodus. :roll_eyes:


Probably I’m gonna get flamed for this, but - anybody else been here long enough to remember when there was no such thing as a legendary task? When there were no guild guardians or guardian statues, no colored tasks at all? When there was no such thing as a mythic troop or an event key?

My point is that over the last 5 years the game has changed and evolved a lot, and with every major change predictions of doom and mass player exodus have been made. Yet we’re still here. The game is still here.

Life is change. You don’t change, you stagnate and you die. Maybe, just once, we could try actually playing the new update before we decide the meteor has fallen.


I understand your point, but you and I (and many others) are basically addicted to the game by now—by design, it must be said. Anything we have to say about our willingness to continue playing is colored by the fact that we have a psychological dependence on this little match-3 game.


As an end game player of over 4 years with 2 level 1100+ characters, I can say that this nerf is not just another in a long line of them (although it is) but most of them I have understood, this one is just not good for anyone like mithran pointed out literally none of this will retain any value as they are things you can run out of any use at all for them.
I really hope the “good” things in the patch mentioned by beta testers are actually GREAT things, as this update is the first that has ever made me seriously consider moving on from Gems after 4+ years of playing.

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Many of the “we” that I knew have disappeared. Many more of the “we” will disappear after this update. The “we” that aren’t here are no longer available to speak up about not being here.

I don’t plan on dying for a video game, thanks.


It kind of feels like the “do you guys not have phones” from blizzard.

Introducing something nobody wants, and not caring what anyone thinks about it. A little out of touch with the community.


First of all i want to start with something positive: I think the new tasks is the next logicial step and some of the rewards can be quite useful. Not for all players, but for some of them. The original tasks don’t cover all new currencies and this way the system would be more up to date.

BUT: For smaller guilds it’s already hard enough to complete all tasks. Now it looks even more worse if the guild have so many tasks not finished. I know my wish will not happen, but i would love if they reduce the cost by 50% for each task - so that the total amount to reach LT stays at the same, because with this update they double the amount of tasks. This way very smalls guilds could at least finish the most value tasks easier. Or reduce them only by 25%, so all tasks together are more pricey, but you still have an easier time to finish a specifc task.

Just to increase the needed gold amount to give us more treasures, that even cost more gold to be able to use them, is an overkill. Maybe the hidden goal is to reduce the key output, so more players have trouble to keep it up with new mythics, making some of them desperate enough to buy gems. Or to make the permanent gold bonus from the VIP level more attractive. Sorry for throwing this thoughts into the room, but I’m just sharing my bad feeling about this update.


I started playing on launch day on Steam. I remember when there were 15 kingdoms, less than 100 troops, a troop level cap of 10, no treasure maps, no VIP, no Guild Wars. Guild leaderboard rank was based solely on trophy count. The guild I joined (Tigerclaw) was consistently in the top 10, and peaked at #5. It was possible to do my fair share of sustaining my guild’s rank by playing 10 hours/week.

Of course the game has evolved radically since then. But I argue that the mechanical changes, even the resource sink changes, are irrelevant to the current dissention. It is simply not possible to play this game at a guild-competitive level without spending more like 50 hours/week. In my case it will never happen, I have too many other things in my life, both gaming and otherwise. And I don’t care that I don’t have every troop or pet, and never will; I can assemble reasonably competitive teams from what I have, TYVM.

Quite a few of us “old guard” withdrew from competitive guild play a couple of years ago when this resource race originally got out of hand, which not coincidentally was when the legendary guild tasks were introduced. I’m not threatening to quit, because for all intents and purpose I already did. And I’m far from alone. Some of us have tried to cull more fun out of the game by running casual guilds and nurturing new players, but the recent development trends have made that impossible, too. Everybody rants and raves about what the latest changes will do to the top 100 guilds, but nobody, not even the developers, are paying any attention to what is happening to guilds at rank 500-1000. For those people, the game is fundamentally broken.

The “change is good” philosophy is empty rhetoric when none of the changes being made have any real effect on 98% of the playerbase. The rest of us are lost in what I call the “fog of progression”. A PvP revamp might help save this game, it’s definitely far more important than culling the endgame hoards, which appears to be the only thing the devs or the publisher care about anymore.


badges ingots and writs mainly writs and badges will also help end game players

I think it’s all been said already.

I’m someone who will gladly financially support the work of others and that’s why I made it to VIP 8 in a couple of months. Spending disposable income on hobbies is fair game, as far as I’m concerned.

The first thing that truly disappointed me and made me not spend a cent on the game since then was the Cedric medal nerf. Not because of the nerf, but because @Saltypatra said that they will weigh their options and communicate with us on what will be done. What happened? It got nerfed into the ground next reset without a word. That’s not how you build trust.

These epic tasks are now the next in a line of unfriendly changes which alter the way we are able to get stuff. I didn’t manage to get The Gray King on release week. Bad luck. I got it yesterday out of an LT. Yeah, it’s pure luck, but it made me happy. Now, I can look forward to… chaos shards?

@Kaheradin’s point is a great one. What about cosmetic. Lord knows that the human player avatars look… not flattering. The male models are hunched over and look very constipated on the verge of taking laxatives. Please give me an option to buy a normal looking avatar instead of doing everything in your power to make me spend on flash offers.


Come on guys… And gals…
There’s no precedence on free to play games making millions mainly from cosmetic aspects… Oh wait.

Unfortunately, there’s actually no precedence of 505 believing that Cosmetic extras is a great way to earn money out of its free to play. So I imagine the devs have tried unsuccessfully before in trying that route of printing money.
A dumb boss (or bosses) tend to make the rest of the company look really bad unfortunately.