Unity Changes (3.05 P.C / 3.1 rest of the systems) Changes that need to be rethought

Not saying gem spawns aren’t worse than they used to be before the patch, 'cause they absolutely are, but do you know if it ever was true rng? Maybe it was rigged all along, even before the patch, just with more favorable outcomes.


That’s my point exactly! If there is no true RNG there’s no way of knowing if the game’s cheating or not.

And even now even if all the devs personally came here, to my place, and told me that they’d implemented the true RNG I’m not sure I would believe it.
The trust is ruined.

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What i was trying to say, what if true rng is actually making spawners bad?
What if we are currently much closer to true gem spawn rng then we used to be before the patch, when spawners were actually decent? What if spawners needed rigged gem spawn to perform well and consistent enough to be viable?

Anyways, i do get your point and kinda share the feeling, but i don’t particularily care for the spawns being true rng, i just want them to be back to exactly the mechanics they used to be before this whole mess, be it true rng or rigged.


No way my Elemaugrim and Kraken can miss so consistently with 15+ gems of their color on the board. If that’s true RNG than my bad luck is of cosmic proportions!
And I’m not the only one who’s experiencing it. The probability of this being random is next to zero.

At least we agree that this anti-gem spawner patch was a mistake.


Absolutely, i was just speculating about the reason why it takes them several updates to the spawn mechanic to try and bring back spawners were they used to be before this mess.

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I believe its taking so many iterations because they are still tweaking the invisible hand that alters RNG in regard to drops. @Mithran was on point last week calling for no ‘shenanigans’ as a starting point for Gem spawners

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Also please make gem counter available at all times (not only when casting a spell).
Something like this:

Right now the rays around the (red in this case) gem and the size of the gem itself indicate that there is a storm of that color (and how many tuns are left can be seen in the brackets). But it can be anything similar as long as it show how many gems and skulls are on the board at all times.

Edited: Made the pic a bit prettier.


Btw can we bring back the avatars to the pvp victory/defeat screens?

Right now PC looks like this:

And I have seen all the troops’ graphics a million times.

While mobile looks like this:

which is nice because you can see what avatars ppl have. Who you’re fighting. That makes pvp less boring and less repetitive.


I LOVE that idea!

It is only for storms. It is not a general feature. It is a specific feature for storms.

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Updated. Please remember this is PC only. Mobile has not completed it’s port. Issues there should be reported under bugs.

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But i’d like to know how many which gems are on the board at any given time. Say, when an enemy is about to cast a gem-related spell, or when I’m almost ready to do so.
I would like the gem counter to be a general feature.


That would fall under feature request and there is a forum category for that. These are 3.05 changes that need to be re-thought, not new features :slight_smile:

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Oh. Well. Yeah, I guess. Thanks! Gonna post it there

On the other hand they already have such a feature as a gem counter, here:

It just isn’t available unless you’re ready to cast the spell. And, like in the Giant Spider case, it’s very uninformative because it only shows the number of purples but not other colors.

So @Taisiakat since they already have a gem counter mb my request can fall under the improvement category?


I know it’s a mobile issue but if pc and mobile eventually come to the same looks it would be nice if the little question mark didn’t end up blocking the second color of arcane stones like it currently does on mobile.

It makes it difficult to distinguish between traitstones.


I agree. If a corner is the best place for the question mark, maybe the bottom left or bottom right corner would be better - something that leaves both of the large color orbs uncovered.


While I’m on the subject of traitstones. In the traiting section.

Right now the mobile version darkens the traitstones that you miss and you can instantly see it:

It’s v helpful (aside from the aforementioned little question mark that better be moved to a bottom corner) because it’s obvious right away.

But on PC the traitstones I’m missing aren’t darkened:

And it’s confusing because for the first second I’m always like “yay, I got the traitstones” and then like “oops, no, I don’t”.
Yeah I see that the traitstone’s name is darkened but it isn’t obvious and it just makes the text harder to read (=not good).

Could we please have the darkening of missing traitstones back, too?


yes and not darken the text, while at it


Also what @Mad_Butch said about mana filters here. That’s an awesome idea!

Something like this:

Edited: removed the useless arrow button that I had been too lazy to photoshop away earlier.


And please don’t forget about the skip guild button!

Edited: again, it’s a mobile issue. Just please make sure it doesn’t become a PC one once you get your interfaces synchronized. Because I can just as easily miss with a mouse click as with tapping the screen.