Underspire: Randomize the order of the six dragon bosses

Currently, Underspire bosses are only ever fought in a specific order:
1 - Garnetaerlin
2 - Emeraldrin
3 - Sapphirax
4 - Amethialas
5 - Topasarth
6 - Rubirath

Each Dragon drops 20 Jewels of their color (Garnets, Emeralds, etc), in addition to other rewards.

There’s a hidden problem with this: Unlike the daily Boss Dungeon (where each color is distributed equally throughout the week and all bosses are the same difficulty as each other), Underspire is sequential and its difficulty escalates with each section cleared. This makes certain Jewel colors easier to obtain than others, with “early” colored Jewels (Garnets and/or Emeralds) becoming more common than “later” colored Jewels (Rubies and/or Topaz). Not by much, obviously – (the daily Boss Dungeon is still the primary source of colored Jewels) – but over time this small bias adds up.

So, please randomize the order of which color Gem Dragon is found in which zone of Underspire each week. Other rewards (Orbs, etc) can remain in their fixed order, and Diamantina is always the 7th / final boss of Underspire, but please shuffle around the other six with each new map.


Counterpoint: the number of jewels is very small, and randomizing the order will confuse people who are used to using their lantern to double specific rewards. Implementing this idea would also cause 4-5 unintended Underspire resets.

In theory it would be good to equal out the jewel distribution, though.


Mind I said that the other rewards (Orbs, Vault Keys, etc) can/should stay the same, only the Dragon itself (and colored Jewels) should be randomized. I rather enjoy being able to acquire 2 epic Vault Keys from dragon #2 each week…

NO THANKS the so-callec RNG is already screwing me over with Diamantina…if you request this everyone will get two orange wisdom orbs from dragon one each week and two blue ascension orbs from dragon two. EVERY WEEK. There is no proper RNG it is rigged to get max money out of you.

In terms of gem dragon drop rate in the Soulforge, there is no documented evidence that RNG is skewed. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Am I saying this games doesn’t use predatory monetization tactics? No, it most certainly does, but not in every situation. There are lots of valid criticisms on these forums, and also a lot of criticisms not backed up by actual data. That’s part of why I enjoy helping to collect community data - we would never have known about the 1-2-3 combination of Dungeon doors being impossible to give a Perfect Run had the community not gathered data, for example! Luckily that issue was corrected, and we can use ongoing data for other things to verify whether things are skewed :smile:

Where exactly do you get your data? Do you have access to everything in this game and everyone’s accounts? I doubt.

dont need EVERYONEs account, just a big enough sample size, and if you click what they linked, youd see thats what that entire thread was about. It happens for pretty much every new mechanic that gets added, a thread gets made to collect data, some smart people perform the necessary steps to determine a rough idea of what is going on behind the scenes, and over time we start to get a clearer and clearer picture.

Being upset is understandable, in any given account data is very likely to be skewed for things like gem dragons, or gnome verses, but overall, including (almost) all accounts, those numbers have balanced out in an expected way.

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Yip “balanced out” once you spent enough gems…

?? it has nothing to do with spending gems, for example with gnome verses (no gem spending there) each one is a 25% chance, yet each individual person is almost always claiming more of 1 than the other 3. If you look at the individual data, its skewed, if you pool ALL (or at least a LOT) of other people’s drops, the numbers approach 25% for each. That is how statistics works.

You should study VIP level and its influence on drop rates…also did you study how many gems each person spent and what VIP level they are on before getting all 6 dragons? Is a bigger gem spend expected from higher level VIP members? The data you have is already skewed as it is probably the same group of people that share their data every time.

i dont even know what you are trying to argue right now. If you really think VIP level affects rng, i have no idea what to tell you. I gave you a clear example using a resource that you CANNOT spend gems to get (other than daily deals, but those are very rare and hardly influence the data). If you are not willing to understand how statistics works, with it needing a large sample size, and not a single user, then i cant help you.

You mean in a highly monetized game you never considered studying the influence of gem spend and VIP level on drop rates or game progression?

If you have collected this data, I’d love to see it! I don’t believe this has been documented before. As mentioned above, though, it takes a larger sample size than one account to have any statistical significance. Even our stats with hundreds of data points are quite tiny when compared to the playerbase at large, but they at least provide a more stable reference.