Underspire NS

@Bramble @Kafka @Jeto When gets NS the underspire update?

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They r working out bugs, fixes, and compensation for other players, so I’m guessing we’ll get it after the Halloween event is over, to avoid even more possible bugs.

It would be better if they didn’t rush out patches just to monetize the game. There r problems all the time now and sometimes u have to take a couple steps back before u move forward.


My guess is it will get rolled into the 7.2.x hotfix update that they’re preoccupied with for PC. Not the first time the NS update has been delayed but ultimately received a better client update in the process.


I honestly just want higher quality patches with less bugs and problems. If it takes longer, I wouldn’t mind as much.

I feel they’re being pressured into these updates (and during the holidays especially). If u counted the number of money offers in the game now, it’s quite ridiculous.:money_mouth_face:

I have had to educate newer players on what has the most value and if they want to be serious or casual. They want to just throw out as many offers as they can out there and c if the fish will take the bait.

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