Underspire Help

yea its pretty rare to KNOW the path will be less than 6 when looking at the map, unless its on a border, but ive had 2 weeks where i encountered a boss path <6, and in BOTH of those weeks, it happened twice. Weird. And yea thats super unfortunate that the beneficial thing cost you more torches :frowning:

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Yeah sometimes the boss path is less than six, especially when you’re near the edge of the map. 2 or 3 weeks ago I had one right in the middle of the map, though, so you never know. It does help to map out the main path as far as you can, and play the keystone room so you can see what paths might be possible and where they might close each other off. I think after completing a bunch of them you just kind of get a better feel for intuiting where the paths may go, but of course it’s still luck in the end.