Underspire Help

So in the interest of me not being a complete idiot for not placing the most importance on Underspire i need some direction here.

The only guide on Underspire anyone can point me to is on discord and since im not on discord i guess this might be a way to help others that also may not understand the rules in place. Yea, i know im stupid for not figuring it out myself, save your keystrokes.

I was told the boss dragon shoupd be no more than 6 spaces or 7 away from its corresponding door. Looking at this picture, did i do math wrong or is that not the rule or…?


not from its door, from ANY tile on the main path if u start counting on the 1st keystone door, you get to the 2nd tile on the main path, then it branches to the boss. As you step into that branch, it is room #1 on the side-path, the boss then lands on #6.

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So on step 4 where the path forks how do i know which way way is the correct way?

Main path is ALWAYS 7 long, Boss is NO MORE than 6 rooms away from ANY of the main path rooms. No way to know which side path has the boss before going 6 tiles in or hitting a dead end.


So then how do i know the correct fork on #3 then? Something about levels of fighrs?I

what do you mean by correct fork? there are ways to know which way is the main path based on the levels of the rooms, but ive never bothered with that tbh. The steps are basically identify the main path, then check dead ends for boss room, the rules just prevent you from searching extra long paths.

Also, a rule that works the VAST majority of the time, is if you are on a side path, and the 4th room has more than one exit, its almost certainly not the boss path. This rule can save you 2 torches each time you use it, very helpful.


On room #3 heading towards the second Dragon, the correct fork was the downward one, not the upward that led to a dead on the left and right. How would i have known to go to the downwards fork without wasting a torch?

ahhh ok, on the side path yea, so you would do the bottom path there because for the top path, room #4 would have TWO exits, and about 95% of the time, room #4 having 2 exits on a side path means the boss wont be there

Why couldnt there be a 5 and 6 after the split at 4?

there could be a room 5 and 6, its just 95% that they wont have the boss, its just a thing that has proven to be true with no real reason WHY it would be true.

The other weird rule is if you encounter the goblin merchant on room FIVE of a side path, the dragon is in a DIFFERENT fork in the SAME side path most of the time. If the goblin merchant is in room 6 of dead end, it gives no information though.

And just to reitrate about whether to go up or down at side path #3 on the map: I would not do the fight north of that room unless i had already fully explore all other side paths in that section, in the discord people have said that rule holds true 95% of the time, so it would save you on average 4-6 torches each week and only screw you over about 10-15 torches once every 5 months.

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So on room #2 towards the first keystone right under the starting room. How do i know which fork to continue down? As you can see i wasted several torches going South

ill mark up the map again to explain give me 1 minute

Upon doing room #6 and NOT seeing a keystone, i would return to room #5 and go to the right instead.

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I found the door before i went downwards there

Does the main path increase in level and thats how i know its the main path as im going?

once you have found the keystone, its just pick whichever dead end to start with and hope you picked the right one, never going farther than 6 rooms deep, and applying the weird room #4 rule. Just knowing the rule of 7 and the rule of 6 guarantees you will never go down an endless corridor, it doesnt really save you any torches, it just gives a better, systematic way to conduct your search. The weird room #4 on a side path rule DOES save you 2 torches every time you successfully use it though.

Yes the main path increases in level, and we know the exact level ranges that the next room should be, for the main AND boss path, but i dont have that data handy, its a pretty big and kinda hard to understand table, but it doesn’t really save you much. As long as you’re not going farther than 6 fights after a keystone without seeing the next one, you’re not really wasting torches.

This has been shared in the forums before but in case you’ve missed it, this is very handy.

Even though there are exact numbers for the main path from keystone to keystone, you usually do well if you pick the highest fight and make sure the next one increases in level.


this infographic literally needs to be inserted to the first screen when entering the underspire honestly, tell the players the rules so we dont have to go through this backwards process of figuring them out. It owuld have cut out a lot of the issues people had with the mode.


Yep. And the rewards for bosses too if you ask me.

But we still don’t even have WE score in the game so…

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Unfortunately i don’t read everything that’s posted and there doesn’t seem to be any kind if Underspire Guide Thread like im sure there is on discord. This is my first time seeing this infographic and most of that info is entirely new to me.

That’s why I reposted it here. I can’t even remember where it was shared on the forums. Certainly not in a guide thread.

I understand why people are careful not to post too much here for fear it will be used against us. I’m wary myself.

I guess that is one reason why we don’t have and underspire tutorial thread.