Underspire Help

The only thing I would add to the infographic is play the keystone battle when you get to it, before looking for the boss path/room. Sometimes the boss path stems out of the keystone room. You’ll know the next step on the main path because it will be locked until you defeat the boss (and don’t buy the keystone pass from the merchant).

First place I remember seeing that infographic was in a bug report.

There’s a pretty big problem from the dev side of things for the players to have 100% knowledge of a game mode that’s trying to charge microtransactions, but I’m not in the mood to have to deal with nerfs so I’m going to leave it at that.

Do they officially want people to know any of this? no, no they don’t.


It was made in Google Slides :joy: I’m so glad to see that it’s helping people learn the “tricks.” It’s certainly helped me to visualize it. Props to the wonderful Gems of War Alliance server for compiling the data this graphic is based on.


Here’s a handy reward reference. Rewards are doubled when using lanterns instead of torches.


Thanks for the thread! It’s very helpful!

Thanks. I know, of course, but ingame would be nice so people who don’t know about any channels like forum or discord could plan ahead (and maybe they feel more inclined to spend).


Totally agree. I figured you did - just posted here in case others find this thread, as my expectation that this will get included in game anytime soon is, shall we say, quite low. :unamused:

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I knew about the Keystones always being 7 spaces apart (has been true 100% of the time for me) but not the rest of the stuff so thanks for posting this. It’s a big help.

The only thing that confuses me to this day is the supposed 2nd ability of the lantern. I know its main use doubles the rewards of the fight where you use it but it also says something about extending your vision range (?). I thought it meant you could see 2 rooms ahead instead of just 1 but nothing of the sort happens.

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Using a Torch to clear a room will reveal all adjacent rooms that connect to it. Using a Lantern to clear a room will do the same then repeat the process on all adjacent rooms, allowing you to see 2 rooms away.

This means that, paradoxically, if you use a Lantern on a dead-end (e.g. a boss room) the map will reveal nothing new because you’ve (necessarily) already explored the rooms it would reveal.


This may just be my feeling, but could someone please try to confirm or deny?

  • Crossings right after crossings are less likely to lead to a boss room.

Do you mean a junction? Most of the time I have junctions at 3 and at 4 at which point I’ll go no further. But I can watch out for that in general.

Whatever, speaking is not my native form of communication. :wink:

What I mean is, the corridor you are currently on splits, and one of the rooms it leads to has multiple exits too. Might be just messed up perception, but it feels to me, the one with the second three+ exit room is more likely a dead end (or at least not the boss path).

Yeah, I know. It’s not mine, either, so I was trying to figure out what you meant.

Most call it junction so I am using that.

For me, if I have a junction three and another on four, so far the dragon has always been on the other path, the one goes off of three.

Anything new on your end, or anyone else’s about my hypothesis? So far it seems to be working without fault for me this week. Attached a screenshot with boss rooms marked red and double junctions marked blue.

Worth noting that any junction that’s 4 off the main path is very unlikely to lead to a boss, which is why a lot of the ones you’re seeing aren’t leading to a boss.

I’ve seen a 4th battle junction lead to a boss in Area 6, but I was already pushed against the wall and apparently the game didn’t think the only other non-junction 4th battle route should have the boss (TL;DR: Area 1 and Area 6 can have strange results sometimes).

As for the other ones, I can’t confirm one way or another. I suppose I could go study my old maps, but don’t feel like it for the time being.

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I had no idea that there are rules to help navigate the Underspire. After reading the threads here I did a keystone to keystone journey implementing “the rules” for the first time yesterday (ran out of torches) and this morning after reset.
I posted the “infographic” to our guild discord to help/inform my fellow guildies

Thanks to everyone who posted info here as I would not have had a clue otherwise ! :heart:


great to see the info getting out there, and yea the rule of 7 is 100% of the time, the rule of 6 is like 95% of the time and the other 5% its LESS (so beneficial to the player). The “no boss if 4th room is a junction” also works like 95% of the time, but is kinda harder to explain. Just wish this info was straight up in the game though. Also, just picking the higher level room works very often for finding the main path, and the exact possible ranges are known, but not really necessary.


Sometimes beneficial. I think the 4 times I’ve encountered it, it actually cost me more torches, not that I’m complaining. This is because the boss room ended up being the last path that I explored because I could see the path would be short (< 6). I also actually encountered it twice this week :exploding_head:.

(Please don’t change map generation, this is fine!)

Interesting. The first screenshot clearly shows, that my double junction theory does not apply 100% either. Possibly related to the shorter corridor length, or because it is the starting field of a section?