Troop nerf =refund. Gem nerf = VIP refund?

Yes, enough about gems, more about chests.
The frustration here is that we can’t open as many VIP chest because we get less gems and gems are used in more places .
So those who put in the extra $$ to reach the VIP chests are miffed.

So, give VIP some VIP keys.
Or a VIP Forge option to craft VIP keys with other keys.
Maybe 150 regular keys +50 Glory Keys = 1 VIP key…


I like my idea better! :slight_smile:

i had to make this :smiley:

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I don’t think their math is bad actually. If you convert gems to gem keys on a 9/10:1 basis I bet the math backs out pretty well. I can’t imagine they just made up the math. The issue is the implied value of 10 gems versus a Gem Key specifically when you’re VIP 5+.

For most of us, it really make very little difference either way. As a VIP 3, all my gems go to gem keys, so I’m feeling no pain in that respect. It’s the VIP 5+ that are feeling the pain.

I was responding to @Eika that I personally thought the was ZERO misunderstanding between the developers and the publisher: and its obvious there was no misunderstanding. I was speculating/hoping that Removing ALL Gems from LT might have been a mistake, it was not.