Yes, enough about gems, more about chests.
The frustration here is that we can’t open as many VIP chest because we get less gems and gems are used in more places .
So those who put in the extra $$ to reach the VIP chests are miffed.
So, give VIP some VIP keys.
Or a VIP Forge option to craft VIP keys with other keys.
Maybe 150 regular keys +50 Glory Keys = 1 VIP key…
I don’t think their math is bad actually. If you convert gems to gem keys on a 9/10:1 basis I bet the math backs out pretty well. I can’t imagine they just made up the math. The issue is the implied value of 10 gems versus a Gem Key specifically when you’re VIP 5+.
For most of us, it really make very little difference either way. As a VIP 3, all my gems go to gem keys, so I’m feeling no pain in that respect. It’s the VIP 5+ that are feeling the pain.
I was responding to @Eika that I personally thought the was ZERO misunderstanding between the developers and the publisher: and its obvious there was no misunderstanding. I was speculating/hoping that Removing ALL Gems from LT might have been a mistake, it was not.