Each time we get a treasure map snot-event, i find myself pondering the game mode. And i got an idea that would make it, i think, more compelling.
What is the goal of following a treasure map was to find the treasure?
Right now, we mostly just want to do turns to get snot or extra runestones.
What if…
Most rewards were lowered a bit… but the last one, the unmovable vault type secured-box (let’s call it the bank-safe) had super nice loot in it?
Then, we would not just match stuff for turns, we’d actually, strategically, try to create a Bank-safe.
This goal really makes the mode more fun, more challenging.
Try it now. Go do 5 maps with the specific intent to create a Bank-Safe (instead of just doing extra turns).
Myself i have a 35% success rate. But that includes many success in a row, and many fails in a row too.
It is not that easy, and you actually need to pay attention an look at the board, Bank-Safes are almost never “randomly created”.
So, you do a map, and find the treasure (a bank-safe)! Now you collect awesome loot, and here is the motivation: you get 5 items from a huge list of possible drop. From gold, common troops, Souls and iron keys, to very very very rare stuff like high-level ingots, Mythic troops, Orbs, Vault keys, and everything in between.
So, you do a map, fail, map, fail, map… bingo! A Bank-Safe. Reward? oh nice, i got a Soul bundle, some gold, 3 Gem Key, 3 blue ingots, and a Legendary Troop card! (this is an exemple)