Treasure Hunt high scores 1.0.9 (screenshots)

With extreme luck it is possible how ever with out luck but with a board shuffle when there are no viable moves it is extremely likely. This is how i came to the conclusion of filling all but a few parts of the board with vaults. The board can be shuffled if you have no moves or outside of treasure hunt with a skill. I (using simple math for me) have proven that it is not only likely to obtain these high scores but that it is barily a drop in the bucket for how many moves can be obtained.

Not quite a new record, got three vaults though. Of course, I don’t NEED souls. sigh


Can I have some please? :open_mouth:


My highest banked move count in the 8 move era as well my highest moves takes and highest score… All in the same game too

Got souls in my vault too :sob: real bummer


As usual, I was one move away from another traitstone.


Grats, well done!

This right here looks like someone spent an hour in treasure hunt, so how long was this game and any tips we do not know about?

Not sure on the time. Between the animation and cascades, I would guess an average ~5 seconds per move. 329*5/60 = 27 minutes. Here is a tips thread where I posted right after you:

Very impressive. If you want that formula in a non-summation form:

((((((Vaults * 3 + Rc) * 3 + Gc) * 3 + Wc) * 3 + Bag) * 3 + Gold) * 3 + Silver) * 3 + Copper + 50*Moves

A little easier for plugging in values without doing exponents. Vaults, times 3, plus Rc, times 3, plus Gc, times 3, etc… then add 50* moves.

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cant wait for the changes to TH!

Finally got a score I can post.

(I normally get 30 -50 turns :sweat_smile:).


way to go! and only 1 gem too

holy christ, we got a jedi over here

This is what happens when hard work and boredom hit at the same point.

New personal best even though it is now 2.0


Nice :slight_smile: yeah, nothing has changed in terms of mechanics. It’s just rewards that have been changed now

So I think I’ve figured out how you’d go about getting one of those nutty all-vault boards.

First, build up a huge reserve of turns–often enough I’ll get to the point where I’ve gotten my first vault & I’ve banked about 20 turns.

Someone who could double or triple those banked turns in the early game–who could get 40 or 60 turns–would then be able to play them out as the board filled up with vaults.

At some point, the vaults would start to work in your favor. Sort of. The board would keep rearranging itself until you could make a valid turn. If you had a whole bunch of high-value chests and the board kept jumbling until you could make a valid turn, you’d end up with a board full of vaults.

Really, the trick would be getting enough reserve turns early on, and that’s entirely plausible.

I made a post about the number of maximum turns you can get with board shuffle to get a full board of vaults.

It is, but you’d still need insane skill/luck to get that many extra turns. However, I’ll believe it. I’ve seen some pretty implausible things happen in other games that are near damn impossible yet they still happened.

Was this the mathematically involved post with lots of working? Actually an interesting read from a pure mathematical stance, in theory.