Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

10 Cursed Runes
10 Cursed Runes

Token of gaard x2
1 Vault key

2x Orpheus
2x Nisha

2x Torches
1x Anu
3x Minors
3x Minors
10x Writs

5 Rubies
2 minors
1 Torch
1 Torch
20 Shards


Common: 20 shards
Common: 5 gemstones (Amethyst)
Common: 5 gemstones (Emerald)
Rare: 3 minor traitstones
Ultra-rare: 2 torches

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Nobody found a troop yet? :weary::weary::weary:

Common - 2 Minor Traitstones
Rare - 2x Torches
Rare - 10 Writs
Rare - 1x Token of Yasmine

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Common (Area 1): Token of Yasmine
Common (Area 2): 20 shards
Common (Area 4): 2 minor Nature traitstones
Common (Area 5): 20 shards
Common (Area 6): 2 minor Wind traitstones

Rare (Area 1): 3 minor Magic traitstones
Rare (Area 2): Token of Gaard
Rare (Area 3): Token of Aranaea
Rare (Area 4): Token of Nysha

Ultra Rare (Area 2): 2 Resistance trinkets
Ultra Rare (Area 4): 2 Resistance trinkets
Ultra Rare (Area 5): 2 Torches

Epic (Area 3): 2 Token of Orpheus
Epic (Area 5): 20 amethyst

Mythic (Area 1): 5 diamond
Mythic (Area 4): Lantern

16 chests total, 11 dead ends (without Sentinels) found. I didnā€™t clear 100% of the cap, but I only have one candidate corridor I didnā€™t reach all the way to the end for (in Area 2) because I ran out of Torches and wouldnā€™t spend real money on them, but I know a Merchant has to be down there because I didnā€™t find that one. Not that itā€™s impossible for there to be another branch and additional dead ends, but there isnā€™t a ton of room for that to happen.

One of my Area 4 chests might have been an Area 3 instead; I was doing that part quickly enough that I might have mis-read where that dead end was. That information might not even be important at all, but I was trying to be thorough in recording things this week. Itā€™s more likely that itā€™s Area 3 instead of Area 4 if we go on the hypothesis that there arenā€™t more than three Sentinels per region.

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With an overwhelming amount of contribution here and on Discord, weā€™ve soared to 877 data points.

----- GENERAL NOTES -----

  • When a Treasure Guardian room spawns, it may be Common (approximately 32% chance), Rare (22%), Ultra-Rare (20%), Epic (16%), Legendary (6%), or Mythic (3%).
  • Treasure Guardians may drop a variety of resources, including Jewels, Minor/Runic/Arcane Traitstones, Shards, Tokens, Torches, Writs, Trinkets, Sentinels, Vault Keys, Cursed Runes, Diamonds, Dragonite, Epic Vault Keys, or Lanterns, with certain drops being confined to certain rarities and higher rarities typically dropping higher amounts.


  • Common rooms usually drop Jewels (not Diamonds), Shards, Torches, or Minor Traitstones.
  • Rare rooms usually drop Torches, Jewels (not Diamonds), or Tokens.
  • Ultra-Rare rooms usually drop Trinkets, Torches, or Tokens.
  • Epic rooms usually drop Torches, Tokens, or Trinkets.
  • Legendary rooms usually drop Cursed Runes, Tokens, or Torches.
  • Mythic rooms usually drop Tokens, Diamonds, or Lanterns.

----- SENTINELS -----

  • Sentinels appear to be incredibly rare drops, averaging a 1.55% drop chance.
  • It does not appear that room rarity increases drop chance, but itā€™s hard to tell given our limited data on mythic/legendary rooms.


Troop from mythic room (chest visible in screenshot)


I got the same troop today from an epic chest.


I also got the Monstrous sentinel, and some others in my guild as well. But I have not seen anyone reporting to catch any other sentinel than the Monstrous Sentinel? Is that correct?

I got Undead Sentinel in the first week.

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And that was the first Sentinel you received? Or did you get the Monstrous before that as well?
Itā€™s just a bitā€¦ fishy, that everyone seems to catch the Monstrous sentinel this week

I got the Undead Sentinel this week. (Epic room)

In the 879 data points that have been captured, only 12 were sentinel troops, so Iā€™m just happy to have found one. :star_struck:


Ok, thanks. Then letā€™s see if the community encounters any others Sentinels than these two. I sure hope all Sentinels have the same drop rate, else it will be near to impossible to collect them all

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Yeah, totally fearing the gem dragon scenario! In fact, if itā€™s like Hoard Mimic and Gem Dragons had a baby, then it really will take forever. :rofl:

A guildie got Elemental Sentinel yesterday. I donā€™t have info about their other drops, just the sentinel.

I think the drop % is abysmal, at the current rate of 0 troops after 30 guardian chests over 2 weeks, and the 1.5% unofficial drop rate from reported drops, AND no duplicate protection and limited number of chances every week (we can play explore until we are half-dead with boredom, we canā€™t extend Underspire at will to have more chests per week)ā€¦ I expect to never own all 6, as simple as that. Iā€™m not sure the devs understand how furious completionists will be very soon.

At the current rate, we can expect 1 troop drop every what, 70-75 chests, meaning for some it will be 30 chests per troop, but for some it will be even 140-15, or more. With up to 15-16 guardian chests per week, it means one troop every 5-9 weeks, on average. We needed an average of 15 drops for dragons (with some people needing 6, and some reaching 30 before getting all six) for the gem dragons. So, at the current rate, in (hopefully) the most pessimistic scenario, 270 weeks. Over 5 years. Good luck with that :woman_facepalming: I believe % drop chance should be at least 6-10 times higher. Or at least give us duplicate protection so that thereā€™s a limit to this madness (like, we canā€™t get more than 4 copies of each troop before we get them all). It will still be rare enough that it will take us a better part of a year to get them all, but at least it wonā€™t seem like something that will happen exactly never, like it does now.

The devs clearly learned from HM & gem dragons, justā€¦ not something that will actually benefit us, the players :woman_facepalming:


Area 1:

Rare: 1 Token of Orpheus
Ultra-Rare: 2 Token of Gaard
Mythic: 1 Epic Vault Key

Area 2:

Ultra-Rare: 2 Torches
Legendary: 10 Cursed Runes

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Epic: 2 tokens of yasmine
rare: 1 token of yasmine

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Up to date

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I got the undead guardian. From either a blue or green chest.
Canā€™t remember sorry.

I think this may be why they are Legendary levelā€¦ā€¦one (distorted) view may be that you need 6 of each to make them mythicā€¦and therefore any before the seventh may not be considered ā€˜dupesā€™.