Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 2): 20 shards
Common (area 2): 1 torch

Rare (area 1): 1 token of Nysha
Rare (area 1): 3 minor Wind traitstones
Rare (area 3): 2 torches

Epic (area 2): 2 token of Orpheus
Epic (area 3): 2 torches
Epic (area 4): 2 token of Nysha

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Common (area 1): 20 shards

Rare (area 1): 2 torches
Rare (area 5): 10 topaz

Ultra Rare (area 2): 2 bone trinkets

Epic (area 1): 2 tokens of Aranaea
Epic (area 3): 2 torches

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Area 1
Orange = 3 tokens of nysha
White = 20 shards
Green = 2 torches
Area 2
Green = 1 token of anu
White = 1 torch
Blue = 2 frost trinkets
Area 3
Green = 3 minor water traitstones
Blue = 2 tokens of anu
White = 20 shards
Area 4
Blue = 2 torches
Area 5
Cyan = 10 dragonites
Area 6
Green = 3 minor magic traitstones
Blue = 3 runic wind traitstones
Purple = 20 rubies

Legendary: 3 torches

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New! My 5. Purple chest.


Gratz diamond.:partying_face:

Giant sentinel is the best one because it acts like bone dragon because your opponent will lose their turn when they get 4 or more skull matches. The curse and freeze applies before skulls connect, and it can counter Zuul Goth and other skull oriented teams if it isn’t defeated, leaving the hero or other troops other opportunities to fight back.

I still need the draconic and undead sentinel, but I’m in no rush to get them.


Common (area 1): 2 minor Fire traitstone
Common (area 1): token of Orpheus
Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 3): 1 torch

Epic (area 2): 2 token of Nysha

Legendary (area 3): 3 Bone trinkets

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Area 1
Purple = 2 torches
Blue = 2 tokens of anu
White = 1 token of orpheus
Area 2
Purple = 20 topazes
Blue = 2 death trinkets
Green = 2 torches
Area 3
Blue = 2 torches
Blue = 20 emeralds
White = 2 minor earth traitstones
Area 4
White = 2 minor magic traitstones
Area 5
Green = 10 writs
Area 6
White = 20 shards

Just got one from a green chest in Area 1:

But now I’m getting the same nice RNG like the dragons. I have 2 out of 6 so far and this was the second copy of one I already own :partying_face:

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