Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

1 mythic room last week: lantern
1 mythic room today: lantern


Area 1
White = 1 token of orpheus
White = 20 shards
White = 20 shards
Area 2
Orange = Draconic Sentinel

Blue = 2 wild trinkets
White = 20 shards
Area 3
White = 5 garnets
Purple = 2 torches
Purple = 2 tokens of anu
Area 4
White = 5 amethysts
White = 5 amethysts
White = 20 shards
Area 5
White = 20 shards
Area 6
Purple = 1 vault key
White = 2 minor water traitstones
White = 20 shards


Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 2): 20 shards

Rare (area 2): token of Nysha
Rare (area 3): 10 topaz

Ultra Rare (area 3): 2 token of Yasmine

Epic (area 1): 2 Death trinkets

Legendary (area 1): 3 arcane Spirit traitstones


After 14+ months of Underspire, 85.000 gems spent on torches and about 120 $ on lanterns, the Sentinel drop rate is ZERO PERCENT. 0 Sentinels found …


Oh my god…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

U need to get some compensation for that BS…

At this point I just play US for the pet orb and the medals. Everything else I just ignore. Even Dragonite …

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Appreciate the feedback! It’s true that sentinel drop rates are probably a bit lower than they are on my chart, as people are more likely to post when they get a sentinel drop as opposed to something else. That being said, my data currently includes 2,348 data points over about a year. Claiming to know the “real data” based on unspecified data from “about twenty users” is a bit misleading.

As I try to mention whenever I post about this, the Legendary and Mythic rates are nowhere near as reliable as my data for the other rarities (Legendary data points have only recently passed the halfway point compared to lower-rarity data sets, whereas Mythic data numbers a bit above a fourth of lower data sets). Excluding these higher rarities and averaging the sentinel drop rates from the four lower rarities, we get 1.2%, which is right around the percentages you proposed.

If you have recorded your data, I’d love to take a peek! I always love seeing people working on little projects like this, they’re a lot of fun to do!


Unfortunately, having collected data for so long, in the wrong way, makes all the work essentially useless.
My method is DEFINITELY more accurate despite being based on less data. I also keep track of the size of the map, and the number of treasure rooms.
The treasure rooms are between 9 and 16, and to complete them all without mistakes it takes between 109 and 133 sigils.

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Treasure rooms can reach up to 18

It can even exceed 150 rooms played, if you’re playing all guardian battles. The longest maze I had (without dead ends, but including guardian battles) was 156, if I remember correctly. Just this week I had 152.

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If you’re saying this, I understand you don’t know what you’re talking about. Rooms without errors means taking the minimum path.
With all those rooms you open, I’m sure you’re wasting dozens of seals but the thing that worries me is that you don’t realize it. It’s people like you who make data collection completely useless.
Now I won’t bother to explain further where you’re wrong and I don’t care.
The point of the matter is that the data collected is wrong and therefore the work was useless.
If you don’t accept it, it’s not my problem. Now I will stop responding to those who say “me, me, me”.

I could say exactly the same thing about your posts (incorrect maximum size of the map, incorrect maximum number of the guardian battles/treasure rooms, as you call them)… your data is just as skewed, just in a different way.

I have saved all the data and they are verifiable I would like to know if you have done it too and if so I invite you to post them otherwise yours are just chatter

Alrighty, just jumping in here to remind everyone this is meant to be a civil community discussion sharing information - let’s keep it that way


Area 1
Blue = 2 frost trinkets
Blue = 2 bone trinkets
Area 2
Green = 3 minor earth traitstones
Area 3
White = 2 minor nature traitstones
White = 20 shards
Purple = 2 tokens of gaard
Area 4
White = 1 token of nysha
Purple = 2 death trinkets
Blue = 2 torches
Area 5
White = 1 token of nysha
Area 6
White = 20 shards
White = 2 minor earth traitstones
Blue = 2 wild trinkets

Common (area 1): 1 torch
Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 4): 5 sapphire
Common (area 4): token of Aranaea

Rare (area 1): token of Anu
Rare (area 2): 3 minor Nature traitstones
Rare (area 2): 10 writs
Rare (area 2): 10 sapphire

Epic (area 6): vault key

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Area 1
Purple = 2 tokens of nysha
Area 2
Blue = 2 tokens of anu
White = 2 minor fire traitstones
Area 3
Green = 10 rubies
Purple = 2 torches
Green = 10 writs
Area 4
White = 1 torch
White = 5 rubies
Green = 2 torches
Area 5
Green = 1 token of nysha
White = 1 token of aranaea
Green = 2 torches
Area 6
Blue = 3 runic magic traitstones
Green = 1 token of yasmine
Green = 10 writs

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Common (area 1): token of Orpheus
Common (area 1): 2 Hex trinkets
Common (area 3): 20 shards
Common (area 6): torch

Rare (area 6): token of Orpheus

Ultra Rare (area 2): 2 Frost trinkets
Ultra Rare (area 3): 2 torches

Epic (area 1): 2 Hex trinkets

Legendary (area 6): 3 Frost trinkets

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Area 1
Blue = 3 runic earth traitstones
Area 2
White = 20 shards
Blue = 2 tokens of gaard
Blue = 2 tokens of aranaea
Area 3
Green = 10 writs
Purple = 2 wild trinkets
Blue = 2 torches
Area 4
Green = 1 token of nysha
White = 5 garnets
Orange = 10 cursed runes
Area 5
Purple = 2 resistance trinkets
Area 6
Blue = 2 death trinkets

My 4. Underspire Sentinel without 0 Copies!