Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

Not enough to upgrade all mythics :laughing:

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I have three Sentinels.


is that your goal? I most likely will only upgrade a few of my favorites lol. But I only go all in with Underspire now and then.

I have 3 sentinels


Need sentinels mostly
And rare resource (golden orb)

Nearing 200 data points for Legendary and just crossed 100 for Mythic.

As a reminder, I stopped tracking all other rarities a while back, but feel free to continue to send data!


Common (area 1): 20 shards

Rare (area 2): 2 torches
Rare (area 2): 3 minor Earth traitstones

Ultra Rare (area 1): 2 token of Yasmine
Ultra Rare (area 2): 2 Hex trinkets

Epic (area 3): Vault Key

Legendary (area 1): 3 token of Aranaea


Mythic: 5 diamonds


Area 1
Purple = 20 topazes
Orange = 3 arcane blade traitstones
Area 2
Green = 1 token of aranaea
Orange = 3 arcane blood traitstones
Purple = 2 torches
Area 3
Purple = 2 torches
Blue = 2 wild trinkets
White = 1 token of yasmine
Area 4
Blue = 2 token of aranaea
Green = 10 garnets
Area 5
White = 20 shards
White = 2 minor earth traitstones
White = 20 shards
Area 6
White = 5 sapphires
White = 1 token of orpheus
Purple = 20 amethysts

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Last week:

Common: 1 torch, 2 minor nature traitstones
Rare: 3 minor water traitstones
Epic: 2 torches, 2 tokens of Nysha

Current week:

Rare: 1 token of Anu
Ultra-rare: 2 tokens of Yasmin, 2 bone trinkets, 2 resistance trinkets
Epic: 2 torches

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Okay so it was bugging me that I had recorded more of some rarities than others so I went back and added data to lower rarities to bring them up to the number of Common drops recorded (which was 505, ironically).

Don’t have Epic drops quite to that point yet so I’ll be recording them again for a bit.


Ultra Rare: 2 x Tokens of Nysha
Ultra Rare: 2 x Resistance Trinkets

Common (area 1): 1 torch
Common (area 1): 1 token of Orpheus

Rare (area 2): 2 torches
Rare (area 4): 3 minor Magic traitstones
Rare (area 6): 10 garnet

Ultra Rare (area 2): 2 torches

Epic (area 1): 2 torches
Epic (area 2): 2 torches
Epic (area 3): 2 Death trinkets
Epic (area 6): 20 topaz

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Epic: 20 of some garnets or whatever

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Area 1
Purple = 2 frost trinkets
Orange = 3 torches
Green = 2 torches
Area 2
Green = 10 sapphires
Area 3
Green = 3 minor water traitstones
White = 1 torch
Green = Elemental Sentinel

Area 4
Blue = 3 runic wind traitstones
To be continued
Area 5
Green = 10 emeralds
Area 6
White = 1 torch


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Common (area 2): 20 shards
Common (area 4): 20 shards
Common (area 6): 20 shards

Rare (area 1): 3 minor Water traitstones
Rare (area 3): token of Nysha

Ultra Rare (area 1): 2 torches

Mythic (area 3): 3 token of Anu


Last week:

Common: 20 shards (x2)
Rare: 2 torches
Ultra-rare: 2 tokens of Anu
Epic: 2 death trinkets

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Area 1
Orange = 3 arcane spirit traitstones
White = 5 sapphires
Orange = 10 cursed runes
Area 2
White = 1 torch
Blue = 2 frost trinkets
Purple = 2 torches
Area 3
White = 5 amethysts
Green = 1 token of aranaea
Blue = 2 token of nysha
Area 4
Orange = 10 cursed runes
Purple = 2 torches
Green = 2 torches
Area 5
White = 2 minor earth traitstones
Green = 10 sapphires
Area 6
Orange = 2 arcane stoic traitstones
Green = 2 torches
Blue = 2 torches

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Common (area 2): 2 minor Earth traitstones
Common (area 3): 1 torch
Common (area 5): 1 torch

Rare (area 1): 2 torches
Rare (area 3): 3 minor Fire traitstones

Ultra Rare (area 2): 2 token of Orpheus
Ultra Rare (area 3): 2 torches
Ultra Rare (area 6): 2 torches

Epic (area 1): 2 frost trinkets
Epic (area 2): 2 torches
Epic (area 6): 2 torches

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