Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates

Area 1
White = 1 torch
White = 2 minor fire traitstones
Area 2
Blue = 2 frost trinkets
White = 1 torch
Blue = 2 token of aranaea
Area 3
Green = 10 amethysts
Blue = 20 topazes
Blue = 2 token of gaard
Area 4
Purple = 20 amethysts
Area 5
Cyan = 5 diamonds
Area 6
Blue = 2 token of gaard
Green = 2 torches
White = 5 emeralds

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Common (area 1): 2 minor Magic traitstone
Common (area 2): torch

Rare (area 1): token of Yasmine

Epic (area 1): 2 token of Orpheus

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Common: 20 Shards
Ultra Rare: 2 x Torches
Epic: 2 x Token of Nysha

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Last week:

Common: 20 jewel shards, 1 torch (x2), 5 sapphires
Rare: 3 minor earth traitstones, 2 torches
Epic: 2 frost trinkets

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Ultra rare chest


Last Shetang week, I’ve got 2 sentinels, Draconic and Daemonic, from common and epic chests. And the Undead one in this Sin of Maraj week from a common chest.


16 weeks since Sentinels have been released.

That’s more or less 24.000 gems spent on Underspire since then. Still NO SENTINELS!

Tested for fun …


Yo igual … claramente hay un mal % de la caida de las tropas , lo mismo pasa con los dragones desde de 30 dragones pude obtener el 6to de la tanda diamantina, creo que en este sentido hay poca autocritica de los desarrolladores viendo como la gente se esta expresando por estos problemas. Cada dia que pasa el juego esta peor.

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Area 1
Green = 10 emeralds
Area 2
White = 1 token of gaard
Purple = 2 bone trinkets
White = 1 torch
Area 3
Orange = 10 cursed runes
Area 4
Blue = 2 torches
Green = 10 rubies
Blue = 2 token of yasmine
Area 5
White = 20 shards
Area 6
White = 20 shards
Purple = 20 garnets
White = 2 minor magic traitstones

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It was perhaps my best week in terms of rewards from Sentinel chests:

Common (area 1): 20 shards
Common (area 3): 20 shards

Rare (area 2 / Stunning Sentinel): Monstrous Sentinel
Rare (area 3): token of Anu
Rare (area 4): 2 torches

Ultra rare (area 1): 2 token of Aranaea
Ultra rare (area 3): 2 torches

Epic (area 1): 2 wild trinkets

Mythic (area 2): Lantern




Area 1
Blue = 2 hex trinkets
Area 2
White = 20 shards
To be continued
Purple = 2 torches
White = 20 shards
Area 3
Purple = 2 hex trinkets
White = 1 token of orpheus
White = 2 minor fire traitstones
Area 4
Purple = 2 bone trinkets
Green = 1 token of yasmine
White = 1 torch
Area 5
White = 5 rubies
Area 6
White = 20 shards
Orange = Draconic Sentinel

White = 1 token of anu


Which one of you have found the most amount of Sentinel, not counting duplicates?

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I think I’m tied for the lead at zero. :grinning:

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wow! All in every Underspire so far?

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Epic: 2 resistance trinkets, 2 bone trinkets, 2 torches x 2

Common: 1 torch x 2, 2 minor water traitstones, 20 shaards

Rare: 10 writs, token of Orpheus, 3 minor earth traitstones

Ultra Rare: 2 torches x 2

Legendary: 10 cursed runes

Mythic: 3 token of Gaard

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I started researching the week the guardians were released. So yes, every underspire has been explored :grinning:

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How many Major Golden Glory Orbs do you have now?

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