Treasure Guardian Community Drop Rates


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Common: 1 Torch.
Rare: 2 Torches.
Rare: 10 Sapphires.
Rare: 2 Torches.
Rare: 3 Minor Water Traitstones.
Rare: 3 Minor Earth Traitstones.
Rare: 3 Minor Water Traitstones.
Ultra-Rare: 2 Tokens of Orpheus.
Ultra-Rare: 2 Torches.
Ultra-Rare: 2 Wild Trinkets.
Epic: 2 Resistance Trinket.
Epic: 2 Tokens of Yasmine.
Epic: 2 Torches.
Epic: 20 Amethysts.
Epic: 2 Torches.
Legendary: 3 Frost Trinkets.
Legendary: 10 Cursed Runes.

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epic - 2 tokens of gaard
epic - 2 torches

ultra-rare - 2 torches
ultra-rare - 3 runic water traitstones

rare - 2 torches
rare - 10 garnets
rare - token of gaard
rare - token of orpheus

common - 2 minor nature traitstones
common - 2 minor earth traitstones
common - 5 garnets
common - 1 torch
common - 1 torch
common - 1 torch

They say theyā€™re gonna make dead ends worth exploring and then this is what you end up with.


=Area 1=
Ultra-rare: 2 x Tokens (Anu)

=Area 2=
Common: 20 x Shards
Rare: 10 x Jewels (Emeralds)
Rare: 2 x Torches

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mythic: 5 diamonds
rare: 10 writs
rare: 10 emeralds
rare: 2 torches
epic: 2 tokens of anu
epic: 2 tokens of nysha

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Monday -
Legendary: 3 arcane traitstones

Thursday -
Common: 2 minor traitstones
Rare: 10 writs
Ultra-Rare: 2 trinkets

Friday -
Rare: 2 torches

Saturday -
Rare: 3 minor traitstones
Common: 1 torch
Ultra-Rare: 2 tokens of anu

Sunday -
Rare: 2 torches
Ultra-Rare: 2 tokens of yasmine
Common: 20 shards
Epic: 2 tokens of anu

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Okay, catching up. I havenā€™t posted since the first week so hereā€™s what Iā€™ve received since then. This is just in order that I encountered them based on screenshots I saved.

Week starting 10/30:
Ultra-Rare - Torches x2
Rare - Token of Yasmine
Rare - Token of Gaard
Common - Monstrous Sentinel
Epic - Token of Nysha x2
Common - Torch x1
Ultra-Rare - 3 Runic Magic Traitstones
Common - 2 Minor Earth Traitstones

Week starting 11/6:
Epic - Token of Aranaea x2
Ultra-Rare - 2 Resistance Trinkets
Ultra-Rare - Token of Anu x2
Common - 5 Garnets
Rare - 3 Minor Fire Traitstones
Epic - Torches x2
Common - 5 Topazes
Common - Token of Anu x1
Common - Torch x1

Week starting 11/13:
Legendary - 3 Arcane Blade Traitstones
Rare - Token of Orpheus x1
Common - 2 Minor Water Traitstones
Rare - Torches x2
Rare - 10 Writs
Legendary - 10 Cursed Runes
Epic - 2 Resistance Trinkets
Common - 5 Garnets
Ultra-Rare - Token of Aranaea x2
Rare - Token of Aranaea

Iā€™ve been buying 2 Torch packs each day (1050 gems/week). This gives me a total of 119 torches per week, and it seems I average ~9 Guardian rooms per week.


Just to confirm, is this the only drop on your post which you hadnā€™t previously reported?

yup. the rest is just recap

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1530 responses. Wow!


This weekā€™s results:

Common (area 1): 1 torch
Common (area 1): 2 minor Water traitstone
Common (area 2): 20 shards
Rare (area 2): Token of Anu
Ultra rare (area 6): 2 torches

Didnā€™t spend much chasing dead ends this week; the rewards still arenā€™t worth it. Iā€™d rather keep my Gems in my pocket and save them for more meaningful stuff, e.g., Merchant offers I find worthwhile.

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Area 1:

Rare: 2 Torches
Rare: 3 Minor Nature Traitstones
Mythic: 1 Lantern

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Last weekā€™s Underspire went like this (3 unexplored ends left and I already bought little more - overcautiously - than initially planed due to bad luck mid-weekā€¦and it turned out to be my longest normal-finished Underspire thus far):

20 shards
2 minor traitstones
20 shards
20 shards
5 sapphires
2 minor traitstones
1 token of Gaard

3 minor traitstones

2 frost trinekts

2 wild trinkets
2 torches
2 tokens of Nysha

All the treasure room experience thus far has beenā€¦how should I put it?..underwhelming.
Sentinel troops are the only item I care for - and even that is not a hurry because Iā€™d be blocked by lack of deed books anyway.


Another week, another grind

Monday -
Rare: 1 token of nysha
Ultra-Rare: Elemental Sentinel - WootWoot!

Thursday -
Common: 1 token of yasmine
Rare: 3 minor traitstones

Friday -
Ultra-Rare: 2 torches

Saturday -
Rare: 10 garnets

Sunday -
Epic: 2 trinkets
Common: 1 token of anu
Legendary: 3 torches
Rare: 1 token of aranaea
Ultra-Rare: 2 trinkets


Area 2:

Common: x1 Token of Orpheus
Common: 1 Torch
Rare: x1 Token of Orpheus

wow what a day /s

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common: 1 token of anu

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common: 5 garnets

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Looking at sentinel drop ratesā€¦

COMMON: 1.4% (7/493)
RARE: 1.9% (7/369)
ULTRA-RARE: 1.9% (6/312)
EPIC: 0.8% (2/257)
LEGENDARY: 1.2% (1/86)
MYTHIC: 2.0% (1/49)

Average: 1.53% (1.5% if you exclude Legendary/Mythic pools for low data counts)


Big fat 0 guardians in Area 3.

Area 4:

Common: 20 shards
Common: 2 Minor Water Traitstones
Common: x1 Token of Yasmine

This must be the Gems of War Thanksgiving special.

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