Tower of Doom, First Impressions

Ok end of week impressions:

I bought tier 6 in the shop. Mainly so I can try out the new event more, I can spend time doing what I wanna do in the event.

My personal thoughts:


Guild Team work. For this, nothing needs to be nerfed. I disagree with everyone stating that it needs to be made available in game for those that dont want to communicate. 100% disagree. This mode is designed to have people interact more with each other. The reason a lot of people still play this game, despite the changes, despite the pay to win modes, and even despite it not being fun anymore for them, is for the community. I think most end gamers will agree with me on this, community is what makes them want to stay and participate for their guilds. There is a higher number of newer players staying, if they can get into a good guild that will chat and help them out as well. For these reasons, the emphasis on team work and communicating is perfect.

The difficulty. For me, as an end game player with almost every troop mythic and almost every troop (missing 2 gnomes and a mythic ignoring zuul) and everything leveled and traited, the difficulty was great. I didnt find them too hard, I enjoyed it. Im also 1 of those people that enjoy the harder delves though. In a game where there are not so many challenges, outside of GW, this was a welcome addition.


The rewards. They are not worth the cost of what it takes to spend gem wise or time wise. At all. Not even close. For some, it also negatively impacts on the team work, as why try that hard for basically nothing. (wanted to swear but listened to @Saltypatra and didnt) Increasing the rewards to a more in line level with GW, would cause more people to engage in 1 of the strong suits of the event, team work, and would alleviate most issues people have with the event, imo.

Scrolls. This is my biggest issue, and I want to believe that it was an oversight on the devs part and not intentional. The mode is a leaderboard based event, with an event currency, that rewards those that do the best. This is fine. What is not fine, and I will keep saying this, is the fact that the scrolls are almost 100% random. (see: ToD Scroll Drop Rates for more info). This should not be the case. It should be an even playing field for everyone, much like Valravens are. There may be a small difference at times, but it will average out to be the same for everyone over the period of the entire event. This is not the case here, and leads more to who gets the better luck rather than who does the best and is the best prepared.

For lower levels, I can see issues, and have heard them, that they hit a certain point, generally ~floor 10, and can not progress any further. With a few Lucky scrolls thrown in, that should get them ~13 dooms each, which I think is ~tier 9 (may be wrong as guessing here). Padding the later rewards, and giving a small increase in rewards in earlier tiers, as well as increasing the rewards for leaderboard places, would help fix a lot of the issues and would reward those guilds that are able to get so far. Currently with ~19 hours left of the event, only 75 guilds on PC have completed the event to all tiers. With thousands of guilds, this is a very small % and those finishing all the tiers deserve more than 6k gold, a major brussel sprout and 6 copies of a card. Especially since from tier 9 all you get extra is 16.5k gold, 11 cards, 2 minor and 1 major orbs. Orbs can be good, but not good enough to push that hard to finish

Lastly, the chat issues cause a bunch of issues for people in this event, and many others as well as annoying the community in general, even the devs. I understand its not a simple fix and will take time to work on proper solutions that will actually work rather than using bandaids to fix a leaky boat. But until such time as they are fixed, people will be upset about having to communicate outside of the game for things that are required in game events

My overview as well: