ToD going forward

As most of you will be aware Taransworld closed today, with the closure we also lost the ToD map many used to keep track of our progress.

I would like to request that the dev team use this as a chance to give the player base a feature that has been asked for, for years.

Making the game track what scroll has been discovered in game so rather than saying random scroll, it shows what is in that room.

this has been mentioned many times and many people have requested it,

@Sokun if you could pass this request on the the relevant department that would be awesome.


Yes please this would be amazing :star_struck:

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Yeah, pretty much every player agrees this should already be a thing, and we’d all like to see it added, I think.
Given that guild already communicate, there’s no good reason not to have the game track revealed rooms.

The devs will sell you a premium scroll tracker. Unless its making money for em it won’t be implemented

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I’d still buy just because it’s convenient. But I also doubt it will happen. Next ToD might be as bad as journey or GWs. :cry:

nah there is still ways, in discord.

floor X:
room ii - X
room iii - X
room iv - X
room v - X

yes it takes longer but still works

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We’re going back to in-game chat or Xbox messages, just like we used to. Nobody I know uses discord and I’m really not interested in changing that. But implementing some changes to ToD in-game probably would be the best idea by far either way.

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I would love this (who wouldn’t?) but I am pretty pessimistic on the likelihood we will get it. At least not for a long time. It’s not a simple change, it’s not a bug fix, and doesn’t generate revenue. So I’d be pretty shocked if this gets fast tracked and surprised if it gets done, ever. I mean, putting the scoring for WEs into the game (via an external link / ?) would be simpler, and nothing has happened there. :roll_eyes:


How about they make there own. Exactly like tarans but on their on GoW website. Could even put your invite code into it sonit logs you in to your guilds and then it could auto populate still from game data.

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And stick an advert on the page, they’d make money, everyone’s happy(ish). No idea why they expect third party sites to to it, instead.

At Match Masters for the Tower of Doom, the front runners are going to post the unlock scroll locations in chat and I (GL) am going to collate and post the summarised data in the “Announcements” section at the bottom of guild chat so that the locations are visible all through the week.

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There’s no character limit in announcements?

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I created what I hope is a clone-with-improvements of the Taransworld map on my own website. My guild has started poking at it to help test it out. Presuming everything works I will release it to the world… which the world may or may not care about…

That said, I am also in favor of the game tracking this without us having to invent schemes or use external tools.


i care about this, if you can DM me a link please

Won’t work, unless your guild plays Tower of Doom very casually. You probably want to to point out other useful scrolls like luck as well, announcements is limited to something like 200 characters.


Maybe fact check next time.

Most of the guild doesn’t bother to go past floor 25 when the forge scrolls stop. Reward stages aren’t worth the time sink going further.
Global doom rewards are dire and not worth our time so no point posting luck etc.


You have just confirmed what Fourdot… was saying to begin with - that guild announcement tracking works for casual aporoach and is not good enough for anybody who wants more. Nice.


There is. I post the ToD map in my guild announcement for my non discord people. Depending on how you format it, and whether you have a full guild contributing alike (versus some people going “too far” and some hardly contributing) you can get it all in there.

In the case of my guild, I end up having to skip any “letter coding” and just use numbers (not ideal.) And since we try to complete the event (with some people going heavy) I still end up having to remove the early floors from the announcement before the end.

It’s a very clunky, annoying, pain in the butt, way to present the map. But it ends up working out.

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it seems that a new support team has been taught the old ways. cant/wont help just ignore…

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Sounds about right. All these people care about is you spending money. Player satisfaction and feedback are a distant second

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