This is not a call out... just a screen shot from pvp

Oh dang… (10 char)

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i broken pvp… :rofl:.
choice 3rd player only is not replace 1st and 2nd because is lower power
need choice and others 2 to give higher power player and after that take “normal” VP and not 25-25-27
sorry for my english


Weird pointing system aside, I’m wondering if all the people who were so elated about journey troops getting nerfed, are now having a wonderful time fighting nothing but
wand of stars
Takshaka x2.


You know, people would still use Stellarix related teams even if Journey troops weren’t nerfed.

The Grey King and The Silent One usually make those Stellarix/Takshaka mixed teams simple to deal with on 4 of the 6 colors. Don’t get to win all based on starting board state, but the player generally has the advantage most times.

Of course, you’re stuck running empowered or Takshaka for mana generation, but that’s a different problem.

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Sure, but wasn’t the argument journey troops were used so much it was boring? And that being forced to use x team/tactic to beat them was boring?

you and most of us know: argument was a lie!


That was the argument, but it was a weird argument. At the point the journey troops were nerfed we were not even facing player set teams in pvp. Now we are. THAT is why we are facing all the same teams.

I have been waiting patiently for years, for the developers of this game to actually think about their changes before they make them. Think about where the game is today (whatever day that is). Think about problems and bugs that are in line to get fixed. And most of all, think through how all of the changes they plan will interact with each other and with the impending bug fixes and solutions they have in the works. Buuuuuuuuuut nope.


We are facing all the same teams because devs decided to ditch the idea of player-made defense teams. It’s only natural that people will use teams with most bang, fastest teams, most effective teams - and there aren’t all that many of those. Without the nerf, we would just have one more variety of the meta, on top of the current meta teams. It would be just as annoying. It’s not the nerf itself that is to blame, it’s the devs’ decision to make attack teams the defense teams. People like to win, they will use the best teams they have to achieve that, and they don’t care that it makes the game annoying for others. It’s as simple as that.


PVP is HORRIBLE in this game! Every time I give it another try, I remember why I quit in the first place.

Well… yes. That’s pretty much what I was getting at. When they first changed the pvp we were getting random enemy teams. Aka not meta. Now we are getting player made teams.

Where I might disagree with you is the idea that setting defenders (instead of it just using attack teams) would help. Even in the old pvp it seemed like a great many folks liked to set “grief” defenses. Heck even seeing all of these stella teams now makes me scratch my head. Going stella to stella is NOT the best way. I AM starting to see a lot more zuul/zuul 2.0 teams, so maybe people are catching on to that. :woman_shrugging:

Anyway, there is always going to be a meta.

you know there were no massive cry threads back when there were no Wand and Stellarix, right?
No meta was THAT bad, ever. Because only goblins had free extra turns, and they ain’t the top tier cards anyway.

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Oh yes, many people were using annoying defences (Eye of Arges x3, I’m looking at you). But there were just as many who were using joke teams (firebombs, gnomes, ravens, treasure troops, etc.) that were not designed to make the mode miserable for others. And also, we used to have casual mode, where we always had very easy battles for pet gnome farming, and the left-hand option in ranked was actually easy, not just low scoring, but AI can still kill you in two moves, which is what we have now.


I honestly did not use casual pvp much, but even so I wish they had found a way to leave it in. And I totally agree that the match making is really bad, right now. Even when the teams are not identical it feels like I’m choosing between 3 teams of a negligible difference in power.


My variation among the three levels is still very minimal. I’m just tired of talking about it, posting screenshots etc. So turned off by the whole thing.

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