Things that need to be nerfed

Just to be clear: this topic has come up many times since launch.

Nerf topics come up in every online game forum, from day 1 :wink:

I just use Bone Dragon on Goblins that are ascended. They blow up pretty quick that way.

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Couldnt had said it better myself. :slight_smile: No need to nerf Goblins, they are not too hard to take down with the right team(s). For a bigger variation of match up’s, rather make more viable 4/4 setups for other types.

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Specifically this topic about goblins, and bringing up other teams to be on their level.

This could be the perfect slogan for exactly those Troops to get more attention in the Future :smirk::stuck_out_tongue:

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Still missed the point…


another opinion- Goblins are boring. see tooooo many of them and tend to just skip to have some sort of refreshing battle that wasn’t fought billion times over. easy to beat and will kill if they got money if not they are a skip.

in addition to that, can’t blame people for using at lower to mid levels. easy to get,easy to trait, and work so well on invade can beat much harder to get and trait teams.

I personally rarely see goblin teams on xbox, maybe one of every 30, I see sheggra , bone dragon, celestia, (random other dragon) about 80% of the time, and lait of jarl teams. I’ve also seen a lot of teams with three ctyhyzysgdjdjdndv or however You spell its name.

Your earlier response was, IMHO, very clear and totally impossible to interpret any way other than the way you intended it, so it might be more something along the lines of “still haven’t read the point”, “still do not want to see the point” or “still don’t want to acknowledge the point”… :wink:

I think your post above clearly sums up something that a fair few of us have been saying for at least half a year now (certainly since 1.0.7), so maybe we should leave it at that?
Further discussion does not seem to be likely to result in any constructive debate…

Goblins or maruders could have the inherent ability that steals some gold if put on defense – that would make players consider different plans there and balance gold lost on battles vs spent directly on defenders :slight_smile:

Or that defense cost attribute could be on every troop and maintained according to its brokenness level or overuse factor.

True… @TaliaParks apologies, didn’t mean to sound rude…

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i use rakshanin, and shadow hunter. Big health means easy kill

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@Darkness and @Jainus, while i actually get the point you are making, and can relate, i still think nerfing Goblins in a significant way is the wrong approach and what @Machiknight and @DemonicDraco said would be the infinitely better solution.

Why nerf a perfectly viable and interesting synergy based team type just for the heck of it, even though it is very obviously not overpowered and inferior to a multitude of other team compositions?
Yes Goblins are efficiency champions, and are very viable for comparably little investment, but they get destroyed by most high end legendary based teams even if these teams aren’t well composed.
Instead of nerfing them and making them useless enough for them to disappear from the meta, it would be much better to learn from the Goblin model and inject more synergy and dynamic in other underused (to the point of no use at all in many cases) troops and troop types to increase variety at midlevel play.

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My educated guess is that every team with all troops having extra turns will be viable and will have interesting synergy. And will be equally popular to set as a defense team and will be equally boring to play against, for the most part because the matches drag on forever.
I also see the theme here, like @Machiknight, but I still think that the extra turns are making this combination broken.

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You realy want a nerf, because “Boblins slow you down”? Seriously?
The beauty of this game is, that you can pretty much beat every team (counters) with the a right team and/or strategy. Thats why i love it. Speed is not a criteria, most importantly fun and a good amount of challenge should be.

Hmm our experience with Goblin opponents differ quite a bit then.
Any team with Celestasia and/or Venoxia can slow me down significantly more than Goblins, if they get to cast and depending on their gem spawn"luck". Bone Dragons frozen heart alone can slow me down more than Goblins, though that highly depends on circumstances, traited Gorgotha slows skull teams down much much more than Goblins do.
I don’t mind Goblin opponents really, my Skull team absolutely annihilates them once it gets going, they are also pretty quick to dispatch with AoE teams.
I think the basic extra turn is one of their most interesting aspects, and i often wished it was more spread among other troops in the game.

Maybe it is too common among Goblin teams with every Goblin troop aside from Goblin King having it, and maybe it would be more interesting (and less boring to face) if it was attached to conditions similar to Chalice fe, on some of the Goblins, but in general i think the extra turn is what makes them most interesting.

I find it a pain in the neck to just sit and wait until all Goblins are ready firing off their spells en taking their extra turns.
I CAN be over quickly if the gods of RNG are having a good day. My line-up with THREE Gob Chompers often get no devour even after firing all three and one or two of them even twice.

Yes I did say bring other common and rare troops into alignment with goblins. I did also say however that goblins need to have an attack reduction as well as boar rider having his magic reduced.

I think everybody has made some good points here, and that many of us believe regardless of what we think about goblins, that the other team should be adjusted in such a way as to have Synergy and work better. I would like to take this conversation in another Direction. Let’s have a thought experiment and see what those other teams would look like if they were brought into alignment with goblins.

Why don’t you guys give us your thoughts on how the troops that exists can be adjusted so that they have the same kind of synergy for the different types of troops; dwarves, elves, Etc.