Things that make you angry while playing GoW

I can’t use my 3x Ironhawk team because of that.

I hate the battlecrasher this vault week. I mean it is vault weekend and I am seeing the crasher more often than the other gnomes.


Lack of simple planning an event like this. Not the first time it happened and i can bet won’t be the last…




Shrine Notifications that never go away. That’s basically it.


I’m still betting this is intended.

“Increasing engagement” indeed.

I didn’t want to write it down, but I think so, too.
a) It needs some amount of programming bringing this crap into the game.
b) It seems they (Devs) have no intend to do something against it.

The flow the game once had is completely destroyed. I just do the absolute neccessary in the game not to hurt my guild since 6.0 Update which brought us the situation (if I remember correct).

People regularly will say things like this in regards to broken features. While everyone can have their own opinion, to me this is nonsensical. Laggy games drive players away. We have a bunch of different modes and dailies to complete that the devs intended to be the main gameplay loop. It would be ludicrous to artificially introduce lag to a system that has been working for them. Sure, I guess you could argue the lag slows resource collection, perhaps driving some players to spend $$$ instead, but I think the outrage in these very forums is an example of how this makes people more likely to get frustrated and quit than throw money at it.

Again, believe what you will, but “the devs broke feature xyz on purpose for sinister reasons” is a common conspiracy theory across loads of games, and there is almost always a more logical explanation than the devs being evil, scheming goblins willing to break their own game in order to make a buck. Namely, as Kafka mentioned, the team is very small and the number of people who have the skills to fix this problem is even smaller. Whether or not there should be a higher skill requirement or more people working on the game is arguable, but ultimately that’s a managerial concern, and you can be sure management has nothing to do with these forums.

Telling devs and communication managers that “we know you’re doing this on purpose” could very well be bashing the very people who are overworked, underpaid, and/or begging for more staff to help. I understand the frustration about the lag, I really do, and it sucks that it’s gone on this long. But as another user in another thread mentioned, the mob mentality often throws things way out of proportion. The lag has in no way made the game unplayable. There are a few extra seconds here and there. If it really bugs you, then by all means go to the forum and discuss it, and maybe take a break until they fix it, but don’t ignore the humanity of the people working on this game and make them out to be monsters.

TLDR; Unprovable conspiracy theories making the devs out to be tricksy little hobitses are a lot less likely than the devs being regular people like you and me doing their best on a game and wishing their bosses would give them the extra people/resources needed to make everything run smoothly.


I don’t believe it was broken intentionally.

I do feel that the people in charge (i.e. the ‘suits’) have chosen not to put a higher priority on a fix, with how long this has dragged out. Whether that means not allocating staff (or just plain not staffing properly) or whatever else, the result is the same. Look at the bug fix history for the game and there is a trend. If it doesn’t directly impact purchases or doesn’t result in something being too overly generous to players, it can be really slow to fix, if it gets fixed at all. This is not a conspiracy theory.

I do believe the devs are doing the best they can with the tools/resources they’ve been given. What gets worked on and when is a decision likely made way above their heads, as are things like staffing levels.

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That I can agree with. It’s insane how quickly profit-affecting bugs are fixed :joy:

Fix the stupid servers while there are still paying customers. Week in and week out this is basically criminal. Maybe the thing to do is in campaign make it so you don’t have to keep going up there to collect stars. My game was fine til I had to do that and now I can’t get the crap servers to go away even restarting several times.

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@llumnate5 how would a goddamn ranked PvP game make you so angry? Quit early so you dont need to experience the one sided torture and go to the next match. Some matches were meant to lose from the let go.

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I hate that song, lol.

I’m assuming they were going for a long streak of wins and this was indigestible.

That makes the most sense. But we should be glad that the game sometimes allows us to lose, would not be much of a game if one had 100 % win ratio or could go on to 90.000 wins a row.

Could be lvl01 :grinning:


Nobody has been angry while playing GoW recently? :sweat_smile:

For me, it’s been dungeons. After a month+ (36 days) of daily dungeons on two accounts, one account has 602 dragonite and is on floor 11, while the other has 40 dragonite (from campaign rewards only) and is on floor 3.

The fact that two accounts are in such different places on this is infuriating. Luck/randomness should not be this big of a factor.


Angry 90 % of the time, but I am addicted to the game. Now 14 Hoard Mimic battles in without getting the troop, just to name one thing. 3 of the same dragons from 4 dragon eggs, to name another. Torturing is the best word I find for it.

To make the wounds even worse.

Out of 5 summons, I have gotten 4 Amethialas. FOUR!


It’s not just luck/randomness. The community analyzed it in depth, what you find behind doors isn’t a fair roll, the outcome is heavily biased. You probably followed different opening strategies on your two accounts, with one picking doors in a pattern that made it much more likely to get a perfect run, the other picking doors in a pattern that made it next to impossible to get a perfect run.

Which makes me pretty angry when playing GoW, because if this part of the game is secretly rigged, other parts are likely rigged too. It might actually be much more likely to get duplicate dragons from eggs on certain days, or impossible to get a specific missing one.