There will be more and more Gorgotha in Defend team?

You’re right, it doesn’t, if it was in fact OP. But a troop being very strong in a specific aspect of the game doesn’t automatically make it OP. Gorgotha is the strongest Skull damage tank in the game, a role he exceeds in, but he is a specialist at that, against spells he is as vulnerable as any other troop, with neither health nor armor gains of any kind.
There are plenty of ways around his specific defensive strength, spell damage of any kind, devour, dust devils ability and even if you are unwilling to adapt your team to Gorgotha specifically, which i can totally relate to, you can force your way through him with pure skull teams at the cost of extra time spent. It may be annoying but the extra time you spend skull-forcing through him is just the price of not adapting.


No it doesn’t, it allows someone who is irrationally sick of playing against a single card to play to your satisfaction without affecting my enjoyment. He isn’t broken, broken was the goblin shaman giving 2 extra turns, broken was the webspinner self feeding and owning the world, broken was over-kills wiping an entire team. I have 130 trophies this week and can count on two hands how many times I went against Gorgotha and on one hand how many times he was fully traited.

I would think that with the buff given people are more willing to try him but if they are not satisfied then they will drop him. This goes back to the argument of hard defend or weak defend. Do you put up a team you want to win defends or put up a weak defend so you can get a revenge battle.

This is a really good point.

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Thank you for the compliment.

I have Gorgotha triple traited and would not use him in a defend team. In my offense team I love him dearly and would be annoyed if he was changed :stuck_out_tongue:


I see Gor more then boar rider now…something is going on😀

I have seen a ton of Gor and Bd defend teams now.

I will apologize now for the Gorgotha/ Bone Dragon combo…

I am sorry.

Yes with their primary strengths being very strong passive traits, and their spells requiring no thought the AI is very effective with them obviously.

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That were exactly my thoughts, hehe :slight_smile:. Indeed… For a D-Team is a fully traited Gorgotha an excellent Skull Defender… but against Magic Teams the tide is turning. I use him also a lot for my offense Team. Pretty flexible. He is definitively a very fairly Answer against to much Skull Power. I love him too. I enjoy the Rounds very much so far. So I hope he will keep his respectable Skills… :slight_smile:


Absolutely correct, but you forget something: Newer players won’t have the tools to counter all opponents. I for myself am around Level 350 and working towards multiple different teams for different situations.


What’s going on is the arcane stones are available this week.

I have not forgotten. Only reason my level launched to its current high was the pre-nerf dust devils. Soul management and team building are critical but not impossible. Using a spell damage deck around a mana generator doesn’t require you to have all your kingdoms at three stars. It just requires synergy and knowledge of the game. Both of which can be sought from on the forums if you are struggling to build a lineup.

My friend plays with

Sorcerer with Black Manacles
Giant Spider
Shadow Dragon

He wins usually because of devouring the right enemy.

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You are completely right about newer players not having all the tools at their disposal and that is very relevant to some arguments about countering in this game.
It isn’t in this particular case though, as everyone has access to spell damage, some of the most efficient spell damage troops are rares and ultra rares, all Goblins come to mind, Griffin Knight, Knight Coronet, Druid just to name a very few easily accessible but very strong ones.


And many of them are based on blue many and are easily paired with the Valkyrie for souls farming at the same time.

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now I see what is the problem.

if you want to make a beast/daemon/divine/construct/e.t.c. defend team, just put Gor in the first place.

Very nice team playwise! Thanks for the suggestion!

Sometimes you have to play a team to “feel” how it works. And here the combination of an exploder that eats skulls and reduces the ammount of incomming dmg while buying time to eat/aoe the enemies is very good.
The combination of a purple gem spawner, a purple gem transformer and a purple consuming exploder is VERY satisfying and efficient. You rareley get stuck without a good turn.
The heros devouring ability triggers quiet often! Is this 20% chance per enemie hit? I reads like 20% to deavour one (one roll for all 4 enemies). It feels like each one gets a 20% chance…

All in all no OP team, but one with great synergy and feeling.

Like my favourite team:

Gryffon Knight or Knight Coronet
Prismatic Orb
