The update is here!

Not that I would ever min/max…:relaxed: but when I get back from my golf trip/Vacation I think I will try my first game of Arena post update and pick the worst weapon I can select.



The seven day expiration date on all rewards has been part of the PC side for months now with no complaint. I’m honestly surprised that anyone is bothered by it. We never anticipated that reaction for a second.

I suspect that people maybe don’t realize that the 7 day limit starts not when the rewards are EARNED by your guild, but rather when you LOG IN to have them delivered. So the time limit really only applies if you log into the game, but then don’t bother to claim any rewards you have earned. There is a limit on the number of rewards that can be saved for you if you don’t log in for months - but again it’s not anything people have had any concerns about on the PC side.

Since the update has only been out a couple days, I’m interested to see if anyone actually fails to collect rewards. That’s a data point we’ll be tracking.

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i see your point. so in near future xbox version will be compatibile with android as well i assume?Because we both, and i think everyone playing xbox version, know why there is no complaints on pc side…
It is called “account linking”

What Is Account Linking?
Account linking is an awesome feature that lets you play on multiple devices with a single hero.

Say you want to play on your phone on the way to/from work, then play on your tablet at lunch time, and finally play again on your PC during the evening… account linking lets you do this!

Account linking is also a GREAT way to safeguard your progress in the game. Suppose you lost your phone, or it broke? If you have the email address and password from account link, you can restore your progress instantly on a new device.

Great idea, but i see no xbox here among other devices :slight_smile:

Ah, the 7 days starts when you login. So when I go on my nice vacation for 2 weeks in September, I’ll hopefully have a giant pile of loot waiting for me :heart_eyes:

Ah, no issues with the 7 day time frame if that’s the case. Be doing well to last 7 minutes without claiming them after logging in.

In terms of the account linking for console players - it would be great to have some functionality on mobile. As the games aren’t synchronised on pc and console then if opening chests, pvp etc. is blocked perhaps we could still play quests, challenges, pay guild, read chat, get tributes and use the troop menu.

Then remove the daily tasks that are a source of unrest.

The answer is burn out. If the player base is playing too much of something then their interest drops. The tasks are just such a thing that never ends but gives constant rewards, thus leading to exhaustion of the game. Basically people are not robots and therefore if given a reward they would constantly do something at the detriment of the goal.[quote=“Demolisz, post:98, topic:8989”]
I still dont know why it is only seven days to claim guild rewards :slight_smile: what kind of idea is behind this?

on pc it is like a month and for each task completed, ithink it resets the timer.[quote=“Mr.Strange, post:102, topic:8989”]
with no complaint.

There are copmplaints and some things have custom claim times[quote=“Mr.Strange, post:102, topic:8989”]
So the time limit really only applies if you log into the game, but then don’t bother to claim any rewards you have earned.

.i did not know this. That is awesome.[quote=“Demolisz, post:103, topic:8989”]
no complaints on pc side…

Too many complaints actually. We just keep it on the downlow in the feature request area.

Can you elaborate on the first comment? Not sure I’m following your thinking regarding the tasks

If someone does a task over and over again, it wears on them mentally. This causes them to not become interested in what they are doing. This boredom then leads to them not wanting to play. In gaming this is called burning out. It is similar to doing burnouts in a car, where the act eventually ruins the tires. Even though someone has multiple different tasks to do which in theory would maintain interest, the act overall is to complete tasks and because of the repetitive nature of completing tasks over and over again the player would get bored of doing tasks. As the tasks can be completed in different areas such as treasure hunt tasks or arena tasks the player would through the task system no longer feel like playing the rest of the game because of the mental side effect the task system creates.

I see what you’re saying. However, the task system made people interact with all aspects of the game by its nature.

Also, retention of players reduced in those not doing a lot of tasks. People spamming/abusing tasks stayed

It seems that i misunderstood idea of seven days :slight_smile:
If I can go for long (4 weeks) vacation and all my guild rewards will be wait patiently for my return then i see no problem. from the other side why do that 7 days period then?
it is obvious that the first thing all players are doing after turning game on is collecting rewards…

Perhaps but by what margin. At this point the only difference between the ecosystems is the tasks and and the leaderboards. The leaderboards have show a strong retention especially from users who have almost 3k battles a week and yet still play. If it is the act of battling then this retention should not exist so easily. If we were to rule out combate as a means of retention problems all that is left is the tasks. I would wonder if retention would increase if they made playing the xbone/ps4 version more accessible. However i would think that in the long run by slowing down task completion it might have a good impact on increasing retention time in the long run. Then again it might persuade players to commit to bad play metrics though or might make them interested in how to speedily complete such tasks.

I’m really not seeing how reducing the task/reward system improves retention; I think it’s off the wall to be honest. Having side tasks to complete breaks up the monotony of plowing through battles aimlessly.

I feel its as simple as that and it seems like the topic is getting over complicated. I’m not sure what the retention rate difference is between those doing a lot of tasks and those doing not so many but it is the reason given for the change; so it must be substantial.

Personally I think the people doing a lot of tasks will stay. Those who were not being retained will leave at a greater rate due to the changes. It’s actually been pretty boring this week without little tasks to do.

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It is a middle ground between unlimited (how it was) and none (pc/mobile) and possibly testing to see if the tasks are the problem. I doubt they are but i can see how they can be. Heck without tasks we have pc/mobile players playing 8 hours a day which is mind blowing, but we have also lost a few people to the same thing keeping the retention rate.

After thinking it over some more, I see some positives to the update. My initial reactions to drastic changes are normally negative. I still am disappointed overall with the game.

First let me list what I like about the update:
-The Mail (I do like this very much for receiving guild bonuses, before you just collected it without knowing exactly what was added unless you have savant level awareness of your collection)
-Hero Class (definitely has potential, and doesn’t make the game worse, so I’m for it)
-Fixed the team selection lag bug (a major bug fix, much appreciated)
-Treasure Hunt (adding traitstones only improves this mini-game)

Don’t Like:
-Arena overall (taking out traitstones made it boring. Also playing mirror matches in every round against your Hero weapon is REALLY BORING. Shouldn’t it be fun for noobs and veterans alike?)
-Daily Tasks: (I still don’t think the rewards are balanced, but maybe I was spoiled a little.)

The thing is, my two dislikes were my favorite parts of the game, so those two things really imbalance my enjoyment of the game negatively. I would really appreciate if you added some glory rewards to the daily tasks, or the guild tasks. You can’t purchase glory and without those extra boosts from the tasks, it is really hard to obtain now. I’m not going to play Treasure Hunt constantly just to get glory, that’s just a mini-game and a nice little distraction once in awhile.

I’m still very upset about the removal of traits from Arena mode. I feel like I wasted alot of my traitstones on lesser troops when I could have powered up my epics and legendaries had I known this was going to happen.

Worth remembering the rewards from daily tasks are a fraction of those from the guild. And guild tasks are infinite too. I don’t think people are missing the rewards as much as they are having something interesting to do

Unless the reaction from everyone here, from when the changes were first mentioned to happen, are not representative of the people playing the game then it is clear how the changes will affect retention… very poorlh

In case this hasn’t been said before - it is a BUG that the opponent hero is a mirror of your hero. Not intended at all, and I’m rather embarrassed that we didn’t find and fix it before release.

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Unfortunately I was right… I ve just got a message from my guildmate that he has logged on after 5 days and,ooops, there is no guild rewards form him. So could You be more specific about way the reward system works(with examples)?
Thanx in advance

Pc/mobile has more content and it’s more portable. On the mobile side the competition from other games is almost non existent. I would definitely say gems is top 5 mobile game I’ve played. Consoles have better games than mobile to choose from so the competition for a consumers time is pretty heavy. I feel that the repeating task system was tipping the odds in “gems” favor, and without it, the game just becomes a grind fest without that same level of “accomplishment”

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I would expect gems to be almost equally portable on all versions except in the case of xbox but even then you can play your xbox anywhere. What i mean is why can’t people play the ps4 version on their psp? Or use their windows pc to play the xbox version? I know i can play the xbox version on pc and laptop but i mean there are some bugs with it that i dunno if the devs could fix.