The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread Part 1 (Closed)

Interesting. Maybe there is no hard cap, but depending on the formula, high level players might be approaching an asymptote.

If you’re close to level 1000, there can’t be much difference in masteries between you and Claus (unless he focused more on red while levelling up).

but mastery level isn’t the average of each color?

The formula should be “Level / (Level + 100)” - so with the points available and the diminishing return nature of that formula I don’t even see the point of there being a max value…

77% means you should have something like 340 points in a specific mastery (340 / 440 = ~77). At level 1000 you would have roughly 170 in each mastery, add the kingdoms with 40-50 depending on color, then 20 for class bonus, so you should get 100 from guild. Not sure if that is possible, never been in a guild that high :slight_smile:

Sorry for any confusion, I was speaking off-the-cuff.

Let’s clarify terms:

Your chance to mana surge is based on your mastery.

Mastery is unlimited - there is a theoretical max, but it’s always increasing as we add new kingdoms and other new ways to increase your mana mastery.

Mana Surge Chance (MSC) is determined via a formula. It goes up quickly at first, then evens out. Mastery 20 might give you a 15% chance to surge, and then Mastery 40 increases that to 25%, mastery 60 increases that to 31%, and so on. Each point of mastery gives a smaller and smaller bonus to MSC.

If you plot this out for very high values of Mastery, the MSC increase becomes nearly zero. We call this an asymptote. It is NOT a maximum - but it’s a pretty close guess for everyone’s MSC at very high mastery levels. We’ve tweaked the formula that converts Mastery to MSC a few times (always following Infinity’s lead).

I tried to express all of this quickly by saying that max MSC is about 67% - that wasn’t meant to be exact, but rather a reminder that there is some asymptote that high level players brush up against.

If there is any difference between the Mastery->MSC formula on console & mobile, I trust Infinity will find it and make it the same.


Masteries at 273-274 equal 73% at level 703

oh now that make sense, thank you for the clarification

but if it’s infinite that’s mean one day someone will reach 100% mana surge?

Above, @Lyya had said that her values of 330 are translating to a surge % of 61%, while @TaliaParks’ value of 273 is resulting in 73% . Looks like there is still a difference/bug, unless something has changed on the PC/mobile side since that previous conversation.

yeah same here im at 320 for 76%

It’s not infinite. Each increase in mastery score results in a smaller and smaller increase in mana surge percentage. At a certain point (the ‘asymptote’), that increase in percentage becomes so close to zero that it doesn’t matter anymore. Based on the formula that @Khazun suggests (which matches the available console data points), that asymptote would be 100% (meaning that with a mastery score of, say, 1 million, the mana surge percentage would be 99.99999%, but never quite reach 100%. That doesn’t seem to match what is happening on PC/Mobile though.

would be interesting to get a reset mastery button and put them all in one color and see what % we get

The amounts from the kingdoms wouldn’t change, and the amount you could concentrate your own hero masteries is limited by the cycling of the colour choices. Your guild could potentially concentrate their masteries, but doing that would mean a much lower total since each increase costs more tokens than the previous one. So, even if you focused everything you could on one colour, you probably couldn’t get that one much higher than double what you’ve got now. At say, 640, instead of 320, you’d be up to 86% instead of 76%.

also to change topic anyone else think it’s weird that sheegra burn when he get hit by skull and when he hit someone he also burn them

but when someone attack him with burn cast he get burned?

Yes, it is weird. The 2nd and 3rd traits are totally redundant and thematically, it makes no sense that he could suffer damage from burn. It would have made more sense to have the 2nd trait be fireproof and the 3rd trait burn the opponent on skull damage either way.

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yup fireproof would fit better

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You couldn’t pay me enough to fully trait Sheggra.

i only did first trait cause i found the other 2 traits were useless since i would never put sheegra in first position

Wouhooo tinaly made it to level 1000!!!

Now what is the next step?

Every kingdom are level 10, every challenges are done

I still need couple 5 stars kingdoms but for now i can’t complete it cause they doesn’t have enough troops

Every classes are level 20, still need to trait them tough

Only missing 6 troops to mythic, 1 of them can’t be mythic yet cause imp of love is not released yet


Congrats :beers:

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Yes i guess it’s beer time lol

Well earned

Avalanche of new troops coming until the end of the year. Might keep you busy?

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