The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 3 (No further updates)

I’m guessing someone is a bit of an achievement-whore. (Can I say that?)

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It’s saying unlock and not craft him

Also im pretty sure we will get more achievement with the update

More than the 2 achievements? I doubt it. Probably on the next updates.

We got 3 on last one

I disagree. We got them and your looking at them right now. …And this means its officially approved from Microsoft.

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Kinda weird usually it’s related with new content

Who likes missing just 1 achievement? Maybe Xath will be part of a crafting tutorial.

Hopefully no more achievements.

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Why craft? I guess you will be able to get him in chest when he get release?

I hate not being able to get a trophy on ps4 but the 2 vaults in TH is one i have no problem skipping lol


I think we just don’t know. There is almost nothing about him in the spoiler thread, so this achievement is completely out of the blue. Most of the achievements have been related to using new features, so it seems likely that this achievement will have something to do with either crafting or dungeons.

We had a similar achievement

“Game breaker” it was unlock mongo

Yeah, but Mongo is an epic, and wasn’t he gifted to everyone? Or was that just the PC/Mobile players? If Xathenos is really a mythic, that is a totally different ballgame.

Lol you guys are nervous for nothing :slight_smile:
He will get his exclusive week like every other mythic

Oh no, I’m not nervous - just curious!

There are only a handful of guilds on Xbox with enough resources to guarantee mythics on release. What about the other 99% of players? getting Xath is tied to crafting for those players regardless

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I know i was just saying crafting won’t be the only solution to get him. If you can catch him with small ressources it’s fine, if you don’t well crafting is there to back you

I was just looking at some trophy stats on my PS app and only 3.7% of players have the Defender trophy (have your PVP defence team win a battle), only 1.5% of players have reached PVP Tier 5 in a single week, 1.3% of players have completed all of their GW battles in a single week. These are very easy to achieve.

Your “other 99%” is probably more like the other 99.99% of players.


Pretty sure these numbers are broken

1% seem very low

Those stats are Shirley fictitious.

Say 5 guilds have the resources, that’s 150 players. There aren’t many more than 15k players.

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