The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread 3 (No further updates)

Mercy or second Pharos id say.

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I dont need souls, but I need to use some resources and don’t see a use for many of the other mythics coming… other than to have them for completionists sake.

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12 min!! yeah im counting the seconds :stuck_out_tongue:

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My 4th is usually kerb but i swap in event troop if reward is worth it

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Yeah, once again Xbox users get the update first… even though “you” delayed the release (again) :stuck_out_tongue:


How many souls per battle do you get with that?

120 x Multiplier

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217 on pvp with dragon armor

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So even more with Celestial/Deathknight armors. Nice.

Nice, that’s about double what I get with my TDS team (which is a nice, general purpose PVP team that also collects decent souls without really trying).

FYI. There is an official post if your interested.

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Oops sniped by sirrian lol

@Alpheon So now the big question,

Guild war start in 4 days?


It should say when next war starts in GW menu

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Someone sounds keen, lol.

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Alright not there yet only 50% lol

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Lol im basing my info on pc/mobile



Yup guild war should start in 3d 6h 21min

I bet you say that to all the games😈