The real reason Casual PvP's gold was nerfed

I have… today all I got from 3 daily Delves was just chaos shards :frowning: Never once had that happen before. So, not gold per battle, from chests, to clarify.

Ok, this is just one isolated day but in recent weeks I have noticed that the gold rewards are less frequent. Maybe I am just being repeatedly unlucky and RNGesus hates me.
Just like never getting the “Kill 100 colour troops” from AB now either.

Anyway, oops off-topic :laughing: Yeah, umm… casual PvP gold nerf sucked.

I also reckon gold rewards from delve chests have been tinkered with. Tomorrow I am gonna log my rewards in the event and see what that shows.

I don’t know f the amount of gold per battle has been decreased. I do know that I haven’t seen a Cedric room since the first day of Frostfire Keep.

i think the AI is also tweaked to mostly attack your skeleton key first

and the matchup actually depends on your team.

if your set of team is for example, the qilin meta, you’ll more likely face set A
if your team is the life and death team, you’ll more likely to face set B

Pretty much this.

Used to make at least a couple millions golds out of new delve events, last one when was already past 3 millions points on lb still didnt made even 600k.

Ofc can always be the usual RNG, you know among some terabazzilions events played can happen that you get the unlucky one.

More on topic the answer is a really short tldr.


A lil example.


Would be nice if like little flies we could take a look at row’s sales betwhen epic tasks and the various gold nerfs.

Ps: scrolling up psn history a lot found a comment i made during the event itself:
(yes ik there’s a “typo” new delve event, not class ;p)

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If you do daily delve and get to final room you will notice you either get no gold most of the time or 20k, I used to get 60k three times on last room so yes its been Nerfed.


I concur with Cedric’s room being MIA. Between Frostfire Keep (which I took to 500 & did’nt do a speed run until about lvl 410) and today’s event (lvl 90) I saw ONE Cedric room. One. Yes it’s possible it’s RNG, but I put that as a REAL low probability. Once out of 48 delves has to be programmed that way.

Probably because frostfire has low amount of treasure rooms? Try doing your daily delves at city of thieves or mirrored halls which have multiple guaranteed treasure rooms and see if youll get more cedrics

Adding another “suspicious” voice to the group suggesting Delve gold has been nerfed. Maybe it hasn’t and I’ve just got terrible RNG, but this doesn’t feel very rewarding for the time investment.

Seriously IP2/505, how many more times are you going to nerf gold? This is getting old.

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Today’s event had 1 set & 1 probable treasure room & no cedric’s there either.

I’ll start paying more attention to my gold earnings from delving. I did today, however, get the Cedric room in back-to-back levels for the CK event.

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In my experience it doesn’t seem like there are fewer treasure rooms like Cedric showing up, but it does feel like my final chest rolls gold as a reward less often.

I don’t want as many ingots as I get. So I notice when I get a bunch of those rather than gold—glory, chaos shards, and even souls for medals I can live with, but rolling ingots almost every time in the past couple of months has made me feel less good about actually using my daily sigils.


Just thought I would create this :wink:

Considering there are 11 available treasure rooms, the odds of you getting 0 cedric rooms out of 8 runs arent terribly low

Regarding gold from delve chest, i think i average 1 gold drop (~22k gold) from 3 daily delve sigils. Does everyone experience the same?

I can confirm the same experience: less gold overall from Delves.

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Yep it’s crap. Not sure exactly when they Nerfed the gold in delve but it has been Nerfed. I never get the 60k gold I used to get on final room. When I do get gold it’s in the 20’s. I don’t think people took their Quality to 10 for this crappy rewards. This all seems to have happened when they also pushed more ingots and shards on everyone with the epic tasks. So you not only get more of what you don’t need in the delve but also in epic tasks. Oh well rant over.

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resource nerf … #playingasintended #dontabusegold

Doesn’t mean I’m suddenly going to start playing Class events. With the gem cost being equal to a weekly guild event, and the reward tiers being the worst of any game mode, the only reason to play on Thursday is for leaderboard position/power orb.

Just waiting for them to say “If you don’t buy tiers and play the event, you’re exploiting!”