The new Arena is very bad

If that happens, l think l leave. Forever.

Stats may be a reason, as mentioned above, but I suspect it has more to do with wasting your resources, namely your time and your gems. Arena is quite slow paced compared to other modes, especially considering you need 5+ battles to net you any sort of notable reward. Rather than grinding useful resources quickly, the devs have had a stroke of genius in creating FOMO in the rare useful gem offers that Arena sometimes generates. Not only are they making players spend more gems; they’re locking it behind a time-waste of a game mode where you have no way to increase your productivity aside from picking a good draft (and hoping you get offered decent troops).

It’s honestly a great strategy… For them.


There is just something with this that massively collides. If Arena was as great as you said in your first post you would not even care if it had offers or not, you would simply play it no matter what because it was great fun.

So what you was not able to admit was this:
I only do the Arena because of the offers. I would not had played arena if it was not for the offers at all.

I understand that many people likes the Arena for what it is and fully enjoys the mode - this is only a reply to Vorion.

me too generaly the arena offer is way better than normal offer, also a lot of people do arena cause it gives you 50 trophies wich is more than insane

This help greatly people that was busy whole week and needs to get in the trophy req on Sundays.

yup and its great

No there isn’t.

You’re twisting the words to mean Vorlorn plays solely for the offers at the end.

What Vorlorn said is that of course the rewards at the end are part of the reason to play (and enjoy) the mode.

Seriously, man — would anyone grind any mode if there was nothing to be gained — no gold, no medals, not even trophies? Fat chance.

But we have no reason to doubt that this person likes to play Arena in general and just likes the first three runs of the day more because there is additional excitement in the chance at a good offer.

And for all the people complaining that the Arena is a Littles League balanced at a traitless level 15, come on — that’s what makes this mode unique to all other modes. That’s what makes the mode what it is! PVP is the place to go if you want all your stats and the ability to dominate every battle. Arena is where you go if you want to actually have to play a match that requires you to manipulate the board across a half dozen turns or more and not just cast spells Turn 1 for the win.


Ah, okay. (10 letters)

Still think that they should make all 4 troops fully traited. If the idea for the game mode is that you’re giving people an idea of how to play with different cards, it should be cards at their most glorious. I know there will be people arguing that people would just reroll until they find an empowered troop, or something similar, but how is that different from people who reroll to find the “best” troops?

It would also serve to show early players what the troop can really do, as well as make troops that stun actually useful.

I realize there’s another plenty of threads that discuss this, but I’m curious what others think about traits in arena. Would it make those who don’t play start to? Would it make those who do play stop?

There is a lot of room for improvement in arena, just wondering how much this tiny tweak might change.

I might link some posts I made in the past — my ideas are largely unchanged — but what I think would make the most sense to please the most people (aside from my suggestions to make the mode as-is better, like seeing all draft choices at once) is basically a tiered option:

Tier 1: as is

Tier 2: Legendaries are now in the draft pool, troops are level 20, lower-rarity troops have traits

Tier 3: Mythics (and heroes?) are now available in the draft, and full stats of accounts apply, as with PVP

A person would have to choose his or her “Tier” each run in a manner similar to Explore (or, better yet, set it and forget it until the desire to change occurred), but then people would all get to play the mode how they want to. And that wouldn’t necessarily have to affect anything else, like reward structure :man_shrugging:

EDIT for the linked thread; it’s still illustrative reading for anyone interested in the Arena, as very little has changed since these posts were written : Arena Worst Event Ever? - #27 by Magnusimus


As a carrot to draw in the bargain-hunters who would otherwise ignore this timewaster of a game mode. That’s my guess.

Acting as a Gem sink is likely how Arena is intended to pay off its “upgrade debt” and then convert over into a permanent income stream.

Being allowed to buy something isn’t a reward, but I suspect the playerbase at large is being groomed to see it as one. We already got this when Dungeons were implemented (spend 50 Gems and get another pittance of currency). I wouldn’t be at all surprised if these bonus offers continue to pop up in future revamps/game modes.

Get 60 moves in a Treasure Hunt? Here’s something for you to throw your Gems at, and here’s a new event to nudge you to play more Treasure Hunts because at regularly-increasing intervals you’ll win a prize.

[edit: typo]

I agree. Unfortunately the consequence for me is that I now basically only play arena. And nothing else. And losing interest in the game real fast because doing only things I’m not enjoying is…not enjoyable

Pretty sure @Fourdottwoone put reward in quotes because this isn’t a reward.

Dungeons is different IMO. You know exactly what you’re getting beforehand. You can view the “shop” before doing the dungeon. With arena you don’t know. It is a RNG shop.

Plus Dungeons are:

A) Only 3 battles long (1 if you only care about the gen offer, as opposed to 5 for Arena)

B) Not forcing you to use an underleveled, untraited, drafted team missing your hero and any stat bonuses you’ve earned :grimacing:


This is a fair point, but even with known results (I also won’t call it rewards) it’s “do this thing, unlock the ability to buy something”. It’s a similar pattern of behavior, which is why I included it. The thing you unlock the ability to buy involves hard gated currency (jewels/diamonds) which may still be considered a reward by some (“hey, I can get more crafting materials per week and craft stuff faster, which is a good thing”). If you unlocked the ability to buy a few souls or a little gold, things you can already farm freely, it might not be seen in a similar light.

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