The mysterious disappearance of the team in PvP

In PvP, after leaving PvP, the team mysteriously disappears. Wherever I play, it disappears regardless of whether there is an immortal in it or not. Please correct this error. It’s very annoying, especially when you often leave the game out of necessity.
Correct Please


They are not capable of persisting data on the hard drive, or storing it in their database. They let all customers suffer because they can not do what an intern could to in 5 min …

“purple”: “[1426,7446,7192,6638,3059,1,2,1,3,1,3,1,14034]”

magic … unsolvable …

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I was hoping someone would mention this. So annoying having to reinstate a team over and over again!

It’s doing it again! (or still?) SO IRRITATING! :angry:

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still, @Kafka can we get an update on this? When do the developer watch the Udemi course on local file storage? I mean PvP is only the focus of the current update no pressure.


The team is looking to get team saving into 8.2 - but do not have any further updates on if that has been confirmed at the moment.


My team in Winter’s Reach disappears every day. Other’s even survive weekly reset If the restrictions are the same. Is Immortal Glaycia to blame?
Edit: team has even disappeared when I log in again after an hour.

If your team contains at least one troop that doesn’t match the currently active region restriction, it won’t load whenever you return, showing you an empty team instead. Immortals are allowed to ignore restrictions in their home region, unfortunately the storage mechanism still needs to learn about this, so it currently considers those teams invalid most of the times.

We are in 8.0 - speed run server shutdown confirmed. The lack of customer care is amazing. You will not get any more money from me!

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Did not make it into 8.1 as 8.1 has already been submitted and is being released soon, so the next closest update it can be released in is 8.2.


Just a hint: how about you make sure your updates/content work as intended BEFORE releasing them? Have there ever or at least the past few years been an update, without any bugs and where everything worked as intended?
TESTING is an amazingly easy way to find out if the new content/update is actually working as intended !!

Jeto, above is not aimed at you, sometimes it is just so frustrating what we players put up with but please pass this on to the developers and the board, who are laughing all the way to the bank because there are still too many paying players for them to care.


I believe you are confusing two things here.

1.) The known bug that teams containing an Immortal keep disappearing when leaving and returning to a PvP region, due to the team filter stumbling over the special rule that Immortals bypass restrictions in their home region.

2.) The requested feature of saving and selecting teams for PvP.

This isn’t about the requested feature, this is about the bug that makes using any Immortal highly annoying. It’s already been reported in July, like here, and handled very poorly.

Surly it doesn’t take at least another quarter of a year to finally get this addressed?


I don’t use any immortal troops in pvp anymore as the team disappears every time and it’s too annoying. Teams without an immortal are saved all week long. This is the issue we’re reporting here.

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