The Mummy Returns

i also feel a little disappointed(after reading the topic title) that the mumy has no ‘come back’ ability

did u not check the spoiler topic?

About what? :slight_smile:
I did but not sure what you are referring to :slight_smile:

found it, the reason why im in no rush to buy the weapon pack in masses:

and i was surprised you told kitty (sorry @Ashasekayi you are forever kitty to me for this avatar :3 ) to stock on it, but i read it too late she probably already did it…

Oh I do know that there will be epic pack with that next week. But that pack costs 400. This one is 300. I prefer getting 40 arcanes for 6000 glory then 30 for the same amount of glory :slight_smile:
And considering I will spend more then 6k glory I’ll get quite a few more :slight_smile:

Maybe on a 5 match only would work…

yeah but then u will be behind in ascending that epic /kingdom power, so a longer shot i think buying epic is better :stuck_out_tongue: and i assume you talk about longer shot solution when suggesting to stack up extra arcanes :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s not like I won’t have enough glory next week to ascend that epic to mythic (if it’s worth ascending of course!) ^^

silence on 4+ is not scary considering manticore is impervious xD and ek could stun it first too

but yeah maybe its too much, maybe it should:
stun myself and silence random enemy on 4+ gem matches” ? :smile:

I agree, but it might be feasible if and only if they first introduce a troop that does cleanse an ally on 4-5. That one is sorely missing!

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Kitty is fine with me. :smile_cat: No worries.

Are we sure the Bastite Priestess is in chests? Because after three days, I have yet to see one drop, and it’s only a rare.

We are sure it is not. Because no new troops are. They get added 4 weeks later.


Can look here for a list of what is excluded from chests, and the dates they are expected to be added : Updated "Not in chests" list


New troops are always supposed to be in the week’s event chests, unless the devs say specifically otherwise.

Event chests are ultra-rare and above only, like gem chests, so rares aren’t ever going to be in them.


Yeah, what he said…

Well you learn something new every day, I guess. Never bought event chests before they started to come from guild tasks.