The main problem in the game: more and more people are leaving, impossible to recruit

Guild Wars didn’t get a mention. You guys conceded you broke it with PvP updates, and they are still broken.

A thorough, better informational update would help with regards to Guild Wars.



There was a mail containing 50 gems and 15 gold marks a while ago, I think that was supposed to be the compensation. Which also rubs the wrong way. Apparently it never matters how much you personally lose due to their bugs, GoW always “compensates” by sending every account ever created some minor freebie. That’s neat whenever you didn’t get impacted, it sure sucks when they just caused your house to burn down and all you receive is a second hand doormat.


That was for the Cliffy errors and the gold marks from the Citadel Guardian that you couldn’t battle due to the errors, NOT the missing gold marks from the first week. It’s their MO to hope people forget.


Here are the numbers from the Samsung Gaming Hub app. This would only account for mobile players on Samsung devices. Similar to what is see on Steam.

Gems of War:

Puzzle Quest 3:


Excelente tu comentario compañero!

Ellos viven en un juego paralelo, en donde el juego funciona bien! :+1:

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THIS. I have said this before too. LTs need to be updated and upgraded. It is a motivation for players to keep playing and earn a lot of gold. But if the gold is useless and rewards paltry no one feels motivated to play.


Also think updating some other modes is a good idea. Not everyone is into PVP. Personally I am a PVP fan, but I know many many others are NOT.

Update Treasure Hunt - there are people who really love it.
Update Arena with some new rewards - I love Arena actually. But Arena rewards are terrible. Arena weekend especially needs a rework.
Bring GW back for those dedicated GW players (not me but there are GW fans).

PVP has been updated enough I think…after Version 8.0 that is.


I have invested over 10000 hours in this game.If I give up playing this game for one reason, only Underspire Sentinel.


El unico problema que hay en el juego son los desarrolladores que desde hace un tiempo estan tomando pesimas decisiones, ni siquiera toman en cuenta nuestros comentarios, de todo lo que hemos pedido no han aplicado nada … ahi te das cuenta que no valemos nada.

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Just playing devils advocate here but there has to be at least a few things in the game that arent for everyone. End game players need something to chase too. Not every single player can have every single thing. Over houring a game that has diminishing returns everyday not the way. Playing it correctly 2 hours a day a better move.

Im free to play with 4 different sents, every troop except the other 2 and mimic (havent really felt the need to try cuz why?) And pay troops. 1 of each color kingdom on 20 etc

Why does everyone think everyone should have the most op troop in the game? Or the 6 rarest? Figure out diminishing returns n you will be less frustrated at least. You will never beat this game or get all cheevo cuz they will just add more


Because for some player types (completionists), that IS the game? So the balance comes down to how long is too long or how quickly is too quickly. Add in a sprinkle of how random is too random.

For me, the issue is not missing troops (although I am a completionist type). I agree that there needs to be something to chase. The issue on sentinels (and dragons and mimic) is the randomness. Maybe I’ll have it next week, next month, in a year… maybe in 37 years. That’s bogus.


RNG issues has been known for such a long time. Many developers have tried to overcome it in some way. The most known for me it’s pseudo-random distribution made to be more human-like.

Like a human, we DO NOT expect long series of tails or heads, instead we expect about equal distribution. Random number generator unaware of that and able to transmit endless amount of tails or head in a row, just because it programmed that way.

PseudoRNG takes a lil’ different approach. Any probability get listed and increased in case of failure, until it reaches 1 at some point and guarantees impossibility of long repeatative fails or success.

If only these devs were any interested in making this game more human-loving, they would probably have done this long ago. Long time no dragon drop? Increase his chance for this player! Long time no mimic in chests? Next chest will be mimic’ed for sure! ETc


Pity keys? I just like to argue. I agree with you

Just to be a devil’s advocate, but the games I’ve played which provide “sympathy rewards” after a specified number of draws also provide only a limited number of sigils for daily play. You want to play more, you pay.

Games need to earn revenue, one way or another.


Sinny tu llevas mucho tiempo aqui en este juego y sabes bien que cada ves que toman una decision la estan tomando mal, yo llevo un poco mas de 3 años y es la primera vez que veo que el juego esta en un estado patetico, el RNG es desagradable, imaginate si es dificil conseguir las cosas para los que le dedicamos mas tiempo a los que son casuales ni hablar … duplicados de dragones , centinelas , pvp patetico , quitaron las guerras sin motivo , actualizaciones que nadie pide, modos obsoletos en el juego, miles de jugadores que se van … suficiente no ?

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We have plenty of that in Gems of War already.

Weekly events, Weekend Events like Bounty. Even this ongoing Holiday Event. Underspire too.


And yet you can play each of these many varied events daily, not to mention unlimited Explore and PvP.

I understand what you’re saying, it can be frustrating to be unable to draw that final dragon or troop.

But tell me of another similar F2P game today where one can truly become an elite player while spending little to no cold hard cash.


Tell me, please, how it makes them money if people draw 30 eggs and still don’t have all dragons.

It’s not as if you could buy the dragons of you can’t draw them.

And all the means by which you could get dragonite are either limited or ridiculously priced so few people will be willing to spend on a chance.

They could likely make more money if they offered small money purchases. My other game offers limited $1 items like full building resources (which otherwise is lots of farming) which I’m sure many people take advantage of.


Ever since the PvP rework you can buy dragonite indirectly: PvP shop, gold mark pack/subscription for $$$ → buy dragonite for gold marks in PvP shop.

I’m not saying that many people are doing this, but it is technically possible.

Yes purchases in PVP Shop for Gold Marks, then the Deep Shrine Lvl 5 has Dragonite for cash, then purchasing from the Dungeons with gems - I know you can earn gems in the game but not everyone has the time to collect gems 10 times a day, and gems are also required for Guild Events and other things, so some may purchase extra gems too.