On the topic of scantily clad males, what about male nipples? Sometimes a work’s illustrations quietly omit them, while other times they’re on full display. Here’s a rundown of every troop which A) is definitely or almost certainly male, and B) clearly does or does not have nipples.
Anointed One has no nipples, but there’s a big X-shaped scar where one of them would be. Ouch!
Blade Dancer has goat-man-nips.
Dragon Cruncher has nipples, which raises a question: where are the female giants?
Dragotaur has no nipples, which makes sense because he’s technically a reptile.
Drake Rider doesn’t seem to have nipples.
Elf-Eater has nipples, and a nipple piercing to boot!
Ferit appears to be nipple-free.
Fire Giant is smooth-chested. That’s two giants with and one giant without, for those keeping score.
Gnoll has armor with special nipple-plates.
Gob-Chomper has weird chest lumps but no nipples.
Goblin King has no nipples, and for that I am VERY GLAD.
Gog and Gud have nipples, one for each head.
Hammerhead has nipples. Is he a mammal, or a fish?
Incubus has little demon-nips, all the better to seduce you with.
Keghammer might have nipples. Either that, or I’m misinterpreting a large mole on his left pec.
Nax Nax Nax-Nax. Nax! (Translation: Nax has Nax-nips. Hurrah!)
Ogre has nipples. Dragon Cruncher must be more closely related to the ogres than to the Stormheim giants.
Ogryn has no nipples.
Sharkey, no. Doesn’t match Hammerhead, which is odd.
Sir Snothelm, no.
Soothsayer, no.
Sylvasi, no.
Tauros, no.
Thrall, yes.
Xathenos has been undead for so long that his nipples must’ve fallen off! …ew.