The December 2015 PS4/XB1 patch is almost here!

Why does it ay 1.08 in the trophies but says 1.05 in the download for the patch? Makes no sense.

The patch is patch 1.05 for 1.8

I’d guess it’s the fifth console patch but it’s on the 108 version of the game.

If I’m not mistaken, incremental console versions are set by the first parties, not us. We have a similar situation with Terraria. :slight_smile:

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I have not understood the hero classes…
I’ve done the missions on green forest (where rowanne is) and I have open the her on class…
Level one to level 10
But it say that I have to do 250 battles to earn a weapon
I have won a battle with my hero but the counter is 0…

On ps4

you have to change/equip your class after you unlocked it

I am Archer level 20… my reign is the forest…
How can I equip it?

Remove your hero from your team, save, and then re-add your hero.
Or, just make a new team with your hero.

When you make a team it saves what your hero was at that moment. So you need to “add” you newly classed hero to see those changes. Just changing the weapon is not enough.

Now i try :blush:
And…to reach the 250 victory…
I need to play with my hero?

That’s 'cause I have my team with 4 Cards, without the hero

I have done a new Team (First Photo)

Then i have won a battle

Then I was going in hero…and 0 wins (2nd photo)

Always on ps4

Go to the Class tab, select Archer and press the “Change” button to equip a Class

There are 2 buttons…
Change (free)

Do u mean that I must press change?
(It said free for the First time)

If you want to be an archer and have your wins count for that class you must change to that class first. This also means your wins will stop counting for all the other classes too.

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It works :+1::+1::+1: