The 3.0 Guild Wars Update (& Bone Dragon changes) incoming tomorrow (PC/Mobile)!

Not yet, probably sometime tomorrow Australian time.

Getting the Guild Wars update out the door quickly makes sense, but is the console approval process so chaotic that you can’t delay the deployment of pc/mobile updates to match console’s longer approval cycle?

It own’t solve everything but sometimes the slowest horse can set the pace for the whole herd.


It’s not like that. We are in a way beta testers. We test and take the bullet of trouble so that the Devs know what to do when they release it on consoles. Besides I think they’re already working on getting this pushed by Sony and Microsoft

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I’m a little concern over that “Bone Dragon nerf” actually.

The number of skulls generated isn’t always tied to the damage dealt, remember how some people called Sheggra’s nerf a boost.

The armor shredding is reduced, that’s for sure, and that’s nice, but on the other hand, this bone Dragon is capped at 20 skulls. As long as it’s enough to get more than 90% chances of getting an extra turn, I’m not sure this reduces its damages / it’s scaling when paired with Courage.

Also, you wanted to keep him competitive at low level by adding one skull to the base generation, but this also affects end game, because (currently), when Bone Dragon drives you into a corner, that’s often when you don’t have any armor for him to combo you anymore, and then skull generation will sometimes backfire against him. More base skull means reducing the chances for it to backfire (also, no changes in his third trait? I mean, this is yet another thing that makes him powerfull, if he is facing you and doesn’t match any 4+ skulls, you can’t punish him by doing some match 4 yourself unless you are frozen imune…)

Well, this nerf could be enough if Courage’s 3rd trait was nerfed too, but that’s not happening…

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They are going to see how this affects skull spam matey. If it doesn’t then they will take a good hard look at Courage as well


There goes any weekend plans. :stuck_out_tongue:


Since this is the official 3.0 announcement thread, I’m actually going to say something about Guild Wars. :slight_smile: It remains unclear to me how GW victory points are weighted for “margin of victory”. Previous posts have alluded to counting # of surviving troops, but that’s not very specific. What if I beat a team that features respawners and I have to kill 10 troops to win? Do I get any bonus for that? If not, why not? I had this wild thought the other day…

Count total damage delivered in the battle, my guys vs. the other guys, and scale that to the GW point system. This doesn’t depend on how many troops die, but it does reward the “tougher wins” somewhat.


I still think people whine too much about bone dragon. Sure he’s frustrating and with the right RNG can be devastating, but I win 80% or more matches against him with or without double courage. They may be hard fought wins but that makes it feel that much better when I do win. Of course turning that 80% win ratio into 95% ratio sounds good too.

All I can say is entangle all day long…

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I agree that what you said makes sense, but Sirrian stated that what counts is only the number of remaining troops at the end. Probably a lot easier to quantify and code.

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Let me start with a big thanks, and great news from the devs. Also v excited for GW here.

Let’s see how BD pans out with the changes.

Kinda disappointed that it caps on 15 skulls. From years of experience spamming Webspinner with his magic scaling, 14 gems was the magic number that pretty much guaranteed an extra turn. 15 feels too many; that’ll almost never misfire in the endgame.

So you’re likely to get hit by 3+ attacks on cast plus at least one more on the next turn. Maybe that’s enough to make Stoneskin troops or Gorgotha a viable shield. Let’s see.

The best part might be the +1 mana cost, which stops him filling in two b/p surges.

Concern remains over Courage rolling too many buffs at once and Archer/Assassin rolling repeat chances of kills. If the game engine part was fixed that could allay some frustrations.


It’s not about him being difficult. It’s about him being omnipresent.

This nerf is all about keeping him useful on invades but making him much less attractive for defends. At least let’s hope that’s what it accomplishes…


You basically summed up all of my concerns. Although like I said in my previous posts, hopefully this is enough to get people to stop using him so much on defense.

If Courage / Assassin / Archer are still overpowered but nobody is using it on defense, it’s probably not going to matter much.

Of course, given the way human nature is, the nerf won’t do anything because people simply won’t change their defense teams.

At any rate, good on the Devs for doing something to try and fix it.


Agreed and I’m pretty sure this fix will accomplish that. Can’t wait to see the new meta. :slight_smile:

4x Spirit Fox



You just love to stir the pot, don’t you?


its capped at 15 skulls: 9 + (25/4)

You have plans that don’t involve gems of war? Wow!
My favourite and go to gow streamer, can’t wait to see what you have to show us tacet.

This is how I find out you’re on holiday next week? :scream:

Thank you Devs for all that you do. And yes, I’m even more grateful to get it earlier than expected. I thought it was my birthday.


I suppose “In Theory”

  1. Respawners are already balanced against other troops based on Mana Cost and their Stats.
  2. If the Devs increased the points earned defeating Summoners or Respawners you would effectively be removing all of them from Guild Wars. (no one would field those Troops)
  3. If one actually found and battled say a summoned they could pull some “shenanigans” and let them summon 50-200 troops killing each in turn. Getting a ridiculous sum of points. See the thread on PvP scoring for Sirrians thoughts on shenanigans.

Oh, right, I’m tired… Somehow, in my mind, 20/4 gave 10. Sleepless nights are killing me this week :confused:

I probably win more than 80% against him, however, that’s because my top tier teams beat it on a regular basis. Whenever I try to deck build something that’s not meta, I find myself winning against everything but Bone Dragon teams. Does that qualify him as broken? I’dn’t say it does, but is it a pain in the ***? Sure is, I like to play for fun, not for farm, and loosing isn’t fun, same goes for playing the same OP deck over and over.

I could also add that playing against the same bone dragon teams over and over is not fun either, but let’s be realistic : that’s how meta works. Every now and then, a balance change or a new troop shifts the meta, but then for several months, we see the same teams in the defense decks (wich is why I love the “weekly event” system so much, it mitigates this effect a bit).

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