The 2nd GoW Forum Fantasy Series - Stone Round: 4 vs 5

Let’s talk about this:

I have no control over my team’s current stats, and the game does not provide a forum for playing others in real time. Don’t accuse me of dishonor / being unfair when you blatantly make claims you can’t prove. At least I TRY to provide proof that’s as objective as possible. You just make up whatever works for you, suggest your units will magically gain armor every turn (they don’t, they just “heal” back to their maximum, one point per turn) and badmouth me by suggesting I show only a few good matches but hide bad ones. You whine when other respected forum writers back up the strength of the team, instead of recognising they make a good point. I’m sure the minute this draft ends you’ll start openly respecting the combo, since it’s THAT effective.