Thanks, but... how does this help me?

Documentation for anyone who wants further reading on the subject.

Personally, I don’t think this will actually be fixed unless everyone files a bug report for errant offers every time they receive one.

Not as spam, but literally as a bite-size, digestible bug to tackle.

They don’t seem able to fix the entire system when we collate all the issues, as the big swing-and-a-MISS! on the last patch demonstrates.

Maybe they don’t understand the actual underlaying issues? Or any one issue by itself — ie, they don’t get why people dislike these offers in particular, and just decided to give a different distribution of offers in general so we’d get the ones we “don’t like” less often and the ones we “want” more often (as if deeds/medals are inherently more desirable, all else being lesser in the abstract, despite the fact that anyone interested in progression actually cares the most about whatever their limiting reagents are — whatever can progress them).

But maybe if bug reports all explaining why “Kingdom Helper* The Task is stupid/unhelpful, they’d fix that single offer.

Maybe if people filed reports about “Help get x # of troops to y Elite Level,” they’d fix that one.

And so on and so forth :man_shrugging:

(Alternatively, this could just be depressing by flooding the forum with a half dozen bug reports a day that never get any dev attention :frowning:)