Surf's Up!

Will it happen often?

@sirrian Undine will that be the future Mythic Troop

No promises, but we are considering bringing new weapons as glory rewards. It’s still being discussed so no real details or anything yet at this stage. Still keeping the troop a week.

Who knows :wink:


@Nimhain please any answer would be appreciate

We know that some defence teams reverted after the update. We’ve had quick look and didn’t see anything obviously wrong there.

We will be keeping an eye on it after the new guild wars starts this week.


Alright ty for the quick answer

Submerge status IMHO is not realising it’s full potential. Doesn’t really block Kraken’s 3rd trait, Queen Mab’s Mana Burn area damage, etc.


Cool new stuff :smiley:

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That basically means that placement in the brackets this week is going to be irrelevant and decide by a bug.
Can’t wait :sweat_smile:

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Has there been a mixup with weapon?? On PC atleast its showing as Pearl of Wisdom

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On Mobile too

Any plans to make this weapon available after this week for newer players or players that missed it for whatever reason? This would be a perfect time to expand the crafting system a bit while slowly adding alternate kingdom weapons to the game.

oh no, so the official news became ugly too :roll_eyes::fearful::sweat:

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That’s not the trident… :confused:


And be careful - you can buy Pearl of Wisdom more than once so those players who do not realise it is a weapon are going to waste 400 glory a shot :anguished:

I wasted 400 glory buying it by accident :scream::scream:

Unless they want the arcanes.

Unfortunately I already had 173. Now I have 175 arcane venoms. :frowning:

I have a level 56 account now with 3 Krakens from 50 event keys and all the arcanes for them from this. :smiling_imp:


What does Pearl of Wisdom do in 3.2? It’s a bit underwhelming for those of us who refuse to update until forced to:

Waverider appears the same way, in both the shop and the event chest screen.

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Here ya go