Sunweaver Build?

Quick heads up; next weeks event troop is supposedly going to be blue/yellow.

If you save up 2400 glory, you can buy 6 of the event troop to get 12 arcane blade stones to max Sunweaver.

Also, I went back and thought about my Sunweaver team, and came up with something better. By using two water link troops and the giants banner, you can get +7 mana per blue match. Since Sunweaver takes 13 mana to fill, it will take two blue matches to initially fill her, and one match to refill her after she casts on herself. To account for this, I pretty much replaced Green Slime from my original suggestion with Druid:

  1. Sunweaver
    Keeper of Souls

A couple alternatives:

  1. Sunweaver
    Bone Dragon
    Deep Borer

  2. Sunweaver