This may have been covered before - and I am very sorry if it has and I am bring it back up - but here is the situation and suggestion…
I have a fair few friends, whom I have gotten into the game, its that good - so kudo’s there - however there is one or two things lacking that we would love to see -
First Suggestion (and the really important one) - a real time pvp match between “Friends” or “Guild-mates” - where you can challenge not just the PVP defense team, run by the AI - but any teams they have or are working on - with them in control - as a real person plays a LOT different then the AI - these matches would be great to see, and offer a lot to the community as a way to “test” teams that may not be “meta” or the best to some but work really well. There need not be any “game” rewards for the match no gold, souls, or trait-stones ect.- however that leads to suggestion 2. -
Suggestion #2 – Betting “cards” or “monsters” on your match - a situation where you can put a monster into the ring as the bet - (much like they do in popular table CCGs) - and i know where your mind is gonna go before you go there - (people will start new account’s and simply “farm” up the monsters then trade em - ) which might be true, however if you put limitations on the entries - it would still work , such as
1) Bet Monsters are dropped to base rarity and level and de-trait stoned -So your not getting a fully traited lvl 20 for a lvl 1, you will get a mob for a mob nothing else.
2) Monsters must be the SAME base rarity to be bet - So your not gonna bet common’s vs Mythics just to “power up” your main account - you want that Doomclaw - your betting that Megavore - not that treasure gnome. (you could enhance this by saying you need at least 2 of the monster to bet, but thats your call)
3) Bet matches are “real time” only. No blaming the AI for getting too many cascades, or “cheating” its you and the opponent - head to head, if you miss that 4 match, its on you.
4) Limited to X “bet” matches per week - (based on something?) This is mainly to prevent people from cycling - they got a ton of Dust Devils so they are attempting to trade em out for that rarity from other “ghost” accounts against themselves (Bet matches might increase with VIP levels- or extra bet matches could be bought with Gems in the Store)
In truth some people who have 2 accounts to huge levels “could” exploit this - but there is no perfect system that can prevent exploitation if someone really wants to - but to punish 100s of people who are doing it right because of a few who would will abuse it - well, its a game after all.
Anywho - those are our ideas - what do you think? Bear in mind these are simply ideas and by no means do i mean to assume they are fully thought out , or perfect, they are in there infancy and please treat them accordingly. Thanks.