Stratagem is recruiting. (Top 5 guilds)

We would like to get a new member before guild wars starts. We are in bracket one this week. Please contact me or leave a message if interested.

We are in need of one recruit. Our requirements are 1500 seals, guild wars participation, 850k gold, and join our discord server. We use discord for communication and discussing strategies for guild wars. We will have a spot available on Sunday. Leave a message in this post or message me for invite. Thanks.

I’m leaving MG Sunday after I finish gw. I never fit in with those guys. I’m looking for a new guild to hang with. Lvl 1130

Sounds good. We have one leaving tomorrow after they finish up their guild wars battles. I’ll let you know when you can join. Thanks.

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Looks like we may be headed back to bracket one in guild wars next week. We also lost a second member unexpectedly. Would love to get a new recruit in here with us. Let me know if anyone is interested.

Hello, I’m Kraken, Level 1075, All towns at level 10 and double skill, make at least 1 500 000k every week, GW and 1500 seals, I´m a regular player that plays several times a day, i was at a top 20 guild, but i’m looking for a bigger challenge.
You wont’ regret. Invite code KRAKEN_12.

Hello Caganita. We currently have one opening on the roster. Please join us in our lobby to continue and finalize your application:

Hi caganita. Let us know when you’ve left your current guild, and we will invite you. The sooner the better for tasks.

Still looking for a new recruit to fill our ranks before the start of Guild wars.

One spot is still availible, join us before GW starts!

Still a few spots open for next week.

If you like participating in guild wars at the highest level, without trophy pressure please join next sunday or monday. If interested, reply here or come chat in our discord lobby:

Our current requirements are 850k gold, 1500 seals, 30 guild wars matches each week.

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We are in need of a new recruit. Our requirements are 1500 seals, 850,000 gold, guild wars matches with sentinels level 3 each, or a combination of 12 levels total. Also, join our discord server where we chat and talk strategy. We would prefer a player that is late game (level 1,000ish) and is able to compete in bracket one of guild wars with around 50k points average. We complete all tasks on Monday with several legendary tasks that day and more throughout the week. We are a friendly group. If interested, please let us know. Thanks.

Hi! You guys look like a great guild and I would like to join you guys! I am 1230 lv, and can do all of required demanding and more. I am currently on Heroes United guild and would like to move upward. I do 50-54 t point’s on Guild Wars, do Raid, Invasion, and Bounty.
My invite code is RUKO_1
Hope to hear from you guys

Hello ruko. Sorry, just saw your post. If you are still interested, let me know. We had someone that seemed interested, but they are not responding now. First come, first serve. Would like to get someone in the guild before reset if possible.

I’m here! Maybe to late now huh

Hey ruko. Yeah, sorry. I sent you a pm though with more details.