(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Yes agree. That’s exactly what we need in some Kingdoms. Like this week’s Forest of Thorns could really do with a powerful mythic like that.

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It already has one…called Rowanne lol.

And it would be even better if the Mythic would be an Elf type, js. So far the FoT Mythics have been Divine/Fey(Yasmine’s Chosen), Fey/Elemental(King Bloodwood), Divine/Elemental(Virago)

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one of the nice things about hitting the first 2 enemies with its damage is that it’ll pop barriers before slamming the doomskulls. it’ll even take out the 2nd troop’s barrier if you happen to popcorn extra skull hits. so at the very least, it should be better than Bloodhammer.



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Haunted doll reminds me of gorgotha, but she heals herself to full instead of cleansing herself, which makes her difficult to kill, especially if she keeps filling up herself and the rest of the team with mana. We desperately need a mana accumulator in Mydnight because the hero weapons are horrible unless you try to generate skulls.

With 45% skull dodge, she will have a slightly higher dodge rate that Artema (They should have just made it 50% imo, but skull dodge seems to favor the AI, especially against thief). She also inflicts terror on all enemies which can theoretically cause the entire enemy team to run away in a single turn, remove dangerous threats, and completely mess up the order.

I can see haunted doll/wand of stars, geomancer/void dragon/lyrasza being a fun team that will loop well, having 2 good tanks in the front, and void dragon dealing respectable damage that can ramp up pretty quickly.:smiling_imp:

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It’s gonna be annoying to face :joy: - pretty nice Legendary that is a kinda Stella counter.

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If we get more troops or weapons that generate gems or skulls based off of terrorized enemies like daemon child, haunted doll could have some nice foreseeable synergies.

(As a side note, we really need a half mana start to daemons as the team I mentioned above seems to fit that theme more).

I’m just ready to throw 3 on a PvP team with Elementalist hero & mana potions restrictions for defense :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haunted Doll looks strong. Its basically what I wished Abhorath was reworked to be… (I like the Remove All Gems, heal to full gimmick. But those traits make it unuseable).

Legends Reborn is this week and we can’t get the Kingdom legendary to live longer than 5 seconds.

Particularly nasty is that Haunted Doll is a Construct. So outside of necessary Elementalist battles, Half mana start Terror All is something fierce.