(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Even odder corner case: upgrade the honor pet you are only supposed to have one base level copy of. :crazy_face:


Hopefully nothing of this will be paywalled or insanely hard to obtain.

Yeah, Iā€™ve become very skepticalā€¦

This could be amazing or another thing to make everyone mad.


You mean like probably having to spend lots of Gems to get Chaos Runes to allow you to craft the new stuffā€¦?

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Since the devs are already having to go in an make mechanic changes for selecting spells for offense vs. defense, it would be the absolute perfect time for the devs to finally change it so when you click on a troop with full mana and hit Cast, you can back out and NOT cast it and do a different action instead. All they need to do is put in a little ā€œBackā€ button when to cancel the casting and return to the game board.

EDIT: I was combining both the selecting of the full-mana troop and what happens after hitting the Cast button, but have clarified my point a bit further.


I think these troops might have 2 cast buttons instead.

Cold Cunning
&& Deal damage to 2 random Enemies. && Give Life to 4 random Allies.

Iā€™m donā€™t have programming knowledge, but && is usually for line break. Random troopsā€™ spell will have OR in their wording instead. But this type of spell have double line break, one right at the start, so it might not be a rework of how spell work, but an add mechanic.

So they wonā€™t likely rework undoing spell after clicking cast for now. Personally, I donā€™t see the use of that as well, seems to only make thing slower. Fast battle wonā€™t matter much if I miscast anyway, and crucial battle like GW, I have to be slow and got to be very sure before I even click on troop with full mana.

That would make orbs become awesome again. Maybe there will be a rework of crafting ingredients for Orb of Power, or completely new type of it? That would be wildā€¦

Ingots and Minion/pets orbs seems to be very useful for new player. Forging and Glory/Elite-level orbs seems to be more for end-gamer. If they are really all drop from Orb of Chaos, then Iā€™m not sure how Lesser Orb of Glory will work. Will be quite unfair if it have double chance of the normal one.

Having the same chance, but if Lesser Orb always drop 2 from a single Orb of Chaos, that would be nice. Orb can multiplie now!

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Introducing: Mayhem Orbs! :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m not sure how I would feel about them being added to chaos orbs. Some of them Iā€™m excited about, some not so much. For newer players, it would make orbs of power that much harder to collect for Zuul/EK.

Hopefully there will be crafting recipes - would be nice to be able to break down orbs into orb shards and crafting them into a different orb for example, though thatā€™s just a dream at this point.

Well, wouldnā€™t it be a bit of a rebalance for orbs since GaPs have made them ridiculously easy to collect en masse, even for brand new players? That at least gives some rarity and value to them again.

I still think that especially for ones relevant to end-game players like Orbs of Glory, Orbs of Minions, etc. that the crafting recipes will use things like Orbs of Power as components since once you use them for Zuul and EK, theyā€™re essentially useless and pile up. Weā€™ll see eventually, but Iā€™d happily burn an Orb of Power to be able to fully upgrade some of these cosmetic pets which have been sitting like bumps on a log with a single copy or two with no chance to get them maxed.

This also potentially addresses the logistical problems of getting Epic, Legendary, and Mythic troops gold medaled since Anu and Nysha medals are still incredibly rare and not available in any quantity to get high level troops reasonably maxed.


This feels like it is going to cause some controversy at 6 mana, especially when slotted as last troop:

Give [Magic + 1] to all Skills on the last Ally. There is a 7% chance of an extra turn for each Green Gem on the Board.

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yeah especially since the other troop that does that to the first troop is half magic plus 1

Clearly a typo, intended to give (1) to all stats.

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So no sign of the Holiday event that taransworld event spoilers has listed as starting today?

Likely an error, as Garyā€™s bot doesnā€™t have that info at all.

It was too soon anyway, and Luna doesnā€™t fit with any November holiday. She could work as Lunar New Year troop, but we already get Shentangā€™s Moon Rabbit Lady for that.

So basic rule, all Holiday event have to come with a new troop, and this one doesnā€™t, so just an error.

The next one will be Christmas, with Khazielā€™s Kris Krinkle, the underground Santa Claus.

There are six color of Holiday currency, so likely 6 events too.

It could be...

Purple - Halloween (soul theme - already happened)
Blue - Christmas (Ice)
Yellow - Lunar New Year (full moon)
Red - Valentineā€™s day (Heart/Love)
Green - Easter (rabbit on grass/painted egg)
Brown - No idea. :sweat_smile: Could be Pirate/US/Australia/Cat/Dog, as they all have yearly pet. None of them feel international enough like other 5 to though. Hmā€¦


They tend to do events/holiday skulls for St Patrickā€™s Day and sugar skulls incorrectly for Cinco de Mayo instead of DĆ­a de Muertos/Day of the Dead ā€“ just another couple of options that could slot in!


depending on the year, thatā€™s horrifying if true.

Wellā€¦ :sweat_smile:

Maybe they will have Luna New Year Event at fixed date? That would be strange though.

And it will be a Year of the rabbit next year, so Moon Rabbit Lady is very fitting. Maybe my guess about Red Valentine Event is wrong? No troop associated with it that I found so far.

If there is no Red Valentine Event, what the red event would be instead?

Think you might be overthinking things about the Holiday events being related only to 6 colours a year?

Guessing they will initially pick the other ā€˜majorā€™ ones that are spaced far enough apart. Particularly ones that are most popular in the USA.


There are all named Holidayevent_holiday_currency, from 0-5. We already seen Halloween purple, so next year is probably purple again, unless they want to use whichever color everytime, then 6 holidays with its own theme are not necessary.

Also, just a personal preference, I donā€™t like an idea of a US Independence Legendary troop, or troop associated with country. Pets are fine, but it was a different thing to get beaten by a country troop in Guild War. Lol.

Can be only thematically related like a firework troop, I guess. Thatā€™s quite cool. A Statue of Liberty with stoneskin trait and torch-based spell are strangeā€¦

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They donā€™t have a themed name though, like Holidayevent_halloween_currency, right? Event medal art gets reused a lot, they might do the same for holiday currency art.

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Two new armors in spoilers today. Crimson = Christmas? Or Valentineā€™s day? :thinking:
Dragonite gnome spell is in and two new Warbands in the works :slight_smile:

# Item name Old New
1 [22BODY_NAME] Winter Armor
2 [23BODY_NAME] Crimson Armor
137 [SPELL8949_DESC] TBD Summon a random Dragon. Thereā€™s a 30% chance to Run Away.
138 [SPELL8949_NAME] Dragonite Gnome Hoard and Hurry
139 [SPELL8950_DESC] TBD Summon a random Dragon.
140 [SPELL8950_NAME] Baited Dragonite Gnome Hoard and Hang Around
152 [WARBAND_TEAM_07] Mech Masters
153 [WARBAND_TEAM_08] Hunting Pack
154 [WARBAND_TEAM_DESC_07] Create Mechanical Mayhem with this mech team.
155 [WARBAND_TEAM_DESC_08] Hunterā€™s Mark your enemies to deal extra Skull damage to them.

thx for the info, rumour has it devs can work quickly if they smell ca$h in the making.
1x Baited Dragonite Gnome and some minor traitstones - only 19,99 $ :smiley:

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