(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Broken Spire Faction: Jan 21
I don’t know why it’s 1 week before “Broken Spire Week”.
Friday to Sunday 3 day event and 2 days later same faction for one day?

How many more lava dragons does Broken Spire need? Pardon me, I guess pedantically lava and magma are different. Sheggra’s over here getting jealous of their individuality.

that’s a good thing. Its nice not to have to do 500 pure faction with the enemies having 20% stat bonus again


Upcoming Epic troop on Mon Jan 31st is Wu Hao. First trait is nothing out of the ordinary: Sky Ancestry (7 troops have it.) Third trait is Mana Shield, not out of the ordinary either – 37 troops have it!

But there are ZERO troops that have both Mana Shield and Sky Ancestry. Why? Because nearly half of the troops that have Mana Shield are Mystics (18 of them, 48%). Whereas all of the troops that have Sky Ancestry are Elves (and none of them are mystics!)

The troop Wu Hao coming out is an Elf Mystic. There are already 12 Elf-Mystic troops in the game. Six of those 12 have High Ancestry (Immune to Mana Drain, Silence, Faerie Fire, and Death Mark). Five of them have Dark Ancestry (Immune to Mana Drain, Silence, Faerie Fire, and Web). One of them has Wood Ancestry (Immune to Mana Drain, Silence, Faerie Fire, and Entangle).

So let’s go over this again…

All “Ancestry” traits are immune to Mana Drain, Faerie Fire, and Silence.

High Ancestry is also immune to Death Mark.

Dark Ancestry is also immune to Web.

Wood Ancestry is also immune to Entangle.

Sky Ancestry is also immune to Mana Burn.

and Mana Shield is also immune to Mana Steal.

So because of the choice to go with Sky Ancestry, Mana Shield is only adding immunity to Mana Steal, because Sky Ancestry already provides immunity to Mana Drain, and Mana Steal. Any other type of Ancestry would drop the Mana Burn and add immunity to Death Mark, Web, or Entangle, and then Mana Shield would be providing immunity to both Mana Burn and Mana Steal.

Kind of lame that its third trait is basically 1/3rd effective because of double dipping into other traits.


Any idea what wish gems will do? Apart from being bugged when they realese them?


[TUTORIAL_DESCRIPTION_3347] This Gem has no mana color and cannot be matched, it needs to be exploded or destroyed. It gives full mana to 1 or more allies, or all allies and enemy troops.



I already “wish” they weren’t in the game.


They sound awful. But remeber the devs motto


Wish gems are an abomination to a bigger degree than even Lycanthropy gems that should be put in a deep hole, buried, forgotten and never ever spoken of again.


Agreed about NOT looking forward to Wish Gems, this game already has more than enough RNG. We don’t need even more RNG.

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Oh, my! Enemy Goblin teams will be fun.

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And yet another reason to avoid guild wars.

At least they evade the problem that Despond currently has by just doing more random stuff.
But I can still see a bug report incoming - wish gems only gave the enemy team full mana.

Surely we are misreading it. Surely the enemy team can only get mana if THEY destroy the gem?

I wouldn’t count on it. It’s seems like it’s the whole thematic fantasy trope of wishes can backfire on you and seems very in-line with the theme of the Campaign from the Language Diff files on Taran’s. Think D&D and having to word your wishes carefully so they don’t blow up in your face. So you’d have multiple good outcomes with one outcome that is mixed with both you and your enemy’s team full on mana.


that’s good lore and all but doesnt sound like it’d translate well into actual game play…

who would want to use troops that make stone blocks with downsides?

We’re not misreading it :slight_smile: On the flip side, if the enemy destroys a wish gem, there’s a chance the player gets full mana to all troops.

It’s not great, but I don’t think it’s horrible either. Exploders will just have a chance to terribly backfire for 10 weeks :see_no_evil:


This sounds awful for everything.

  1. Establish what modes don’t have wish gems.
  2. Only play those modes for ten weeks. OR:
  3. If those modes are actually terrible, quit GoW.
  4. If those modes turn out to actually have wish gems despite assurances, quit GoW.

Enough already with all the gems to give the AI as much advantage as possible.

Just make it 3 against 4 in matches already. I’d rather have the deck stacked against me than have my desire to play Gems of War with any sort of mama generator give the AI Mana as well.

As the great Randy Orton once said…
200w (2)