(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Hmm… interesting.

My eyes are immediately drawn to a couple things.

First, Epic rarity. As it stands, when puling troops to a faction to max them, Epic is generally among the first things to be fully ascended AND you get extra copies from the shop on every faction event you buy into. This means very little for the veterans who have already maxed all troops in this faction, but for the new players, this is probably exactly where you’d want another troop to be on the table to muck with your ability to max all troops from a faction the least. It is also much less of a wrinkle than adding a “common” rarity to faction troop draws, potentially skewing ALL other rarities and/or interfering with the treasures table.

Second, Yellow/Brown coloring. This is especially notable because, as things stand now, you wouldn’t even be able to use this troop in the All-Seeing Eye delve. Unknown if this signals a new rule incoming for delves that allows faction troops to break the normal color rules, or if this is an embarrassing first-pass oversight that will (hopefully) be fixed before the troop actually goes live, since it is looking increasingly likely that this is a thing that will come to pass. Or, if it isn’t even intended to actually be usable in the delve, which would be a huge let-down given previous speculation on these troops being added to potentially give a few alternate options to tackling pure-faction delves.