(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

There is this image in the folder:

Which is an unknown Maugrim Woods troop


that’s horus from what I undrestood from before

Thought that was Horus, fitting the Egyptian theme from Khetar


yep definetly better fitting!

Next Mythic is:

Mythic Maugrim Woods Wargare-Beast
Fangs and Claws (24 Green/Red/Purple)
Deal [Magic + 2] damage to an enemy, boosted by Wargare Allies. If the enemy dies, devour a random enemy. [4x]
(Invigorated, Impervious, First Wargare)
MAX Attack:24 Life:24 Armor:13 Magic:8
The Wulf among us

First Wargare: Allied Wargare gain 5 Attack and Magic.
Arcane Beast Traitstone: 12 (Wild Plains)
Arcane Venom Traitstone: 12 (Zhul’Kari)
Celestial Traitstone: 4


Devour a random enemy after a targeted spell. People gonna spend their stash.

Would this waregare be an alpha, beta or an omega?

Hmm it’s drafted as a Beast so can gain Fast from the Forest Guardian… sounds a bit scary… and yet the spell doesn’t seem mythic scary, damage can’t be that high…

I wonder if it counts as a Wargare to (1) benefit from its own third trait and (2) count towards its own damage boost…?

Let’s see:

Base damage without boosts: 10
Plus 8 for all magic kingdoms, plus 5 for his trait results in 23.
Then boosted by 4 Wargares (including himself) result in 39.

It’s not that low, if you ask me.

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39, actually, because 4x boost ratio = +16 damage for 4 Wargare. Then +2 for the guild bonus makes 41 damage.

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Damn short-time memory. Thanks for the corrrection.

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Nice. But arguably less than War does and certainly less than Famine does. For a whack of a cost. And needs an all Wargare team to get that high, which rules out any utility troops to help charge it up. Nah, I’m not scared.

Note Gard’s Avatar easily does that much damage to all enemies!

Also what’s this Invigorated trait that keeps turning up? On a Mythic and the new Legendary? That’s rubbish…


You’re very wrong here, Mister. Gard’s Avatar easily does more damage to all enemies. :slight_smile: Much more later on if they refuse to die. Around 60 damage on his third cast is not unusual.

On the other hand, you use it on something that already got slapped before, and when it dies - you DEVOUR another one (if it’s a full hp troop, that’s up to 90dmg as a “bonus”? :smiley: ), only better, because you gain it.

I agree it won’t be an issue to play against, but I wouldn’t write it off as an attacking option.

If that’s the spell the ends up getting released it does seem…


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Gard and Famine can’t really be taken as a measure though (at least i hope they don’t), they are objectively overpowered.

They’re very strong. Gard is overpowered. Famine a bit less so and far more situational. Are they overpowered or are other mythics underpowered? Dunno…

It all depends on whether or not base mythics are supposed to be straight up better than strong lower rarity troops.
If the aim is to replace all other rarity troops with base mythics in the very end then Gard is “well-rounded”, i guess?
I hope that is not the design goal, mostly because chest rng hates me, but if it is then Gard is probably a good measurepoint, yeah.

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Worth noting one of those traitstones is available right now. Get some more?

hmm this fits name but doesnt look like a mythic