(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Nothing currently is marked as Necromancy. There are six of troops with placeholder stats, spells, and empty traits, so these may become Necromancy troops (especially one that has a spell named “Soul Stealer” seems like a reasonable candidate for Necromancy). There are no new traits in the files that imply anything to do with souls. The next Mythic is one of the placeholders, so there may be a soul-related third trait coming, but that would surprise me if so.


Ok thank you for the info lovely maiden :slight_smile:


I hope it is dog related too. Come on inuyasha character! Iron reaver soul stealer!

And the card built to counter it will have the spell “Sit boy!”.

As long as you’re looking at that direction.
Need moar troops with Hunter Mark plz. The smart kind. The kind of troops that knows to put it on the frontline subjects…
Or, consider revamping Hunter Mark so that it pulls target to the front.

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On the topic of confirmation, “rage quit the map” soon too?

I proposed revamping Hunters Mark to also include “Marked troop will receive skull dmg regardless of position”. Or make that Orion’s legendary trait.

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How about this idea @sirrian as a Bone Dragon counter:

Legendary trait: Repel boarders Whenever an ally’s Armour is broken, immediately deal 3 damage to all enemies and end the enemy’s turn without resolving matches

(Put it on a Pirate Ship troop card, hence the name :wink: )

Dunno how feasible that is to code in… would counter loop teams a bit as well, but can’t fire very often…

Mind - combo with Reinforced would be horrible. Probably needs to be only the first time each troop’s Armour goes down… or only trigger if 10+ Armour (say) was destroyed…

as in - the moment it is lowered from ‘above 0’ to 0?
or just any time it is damaged?

nvm please post it in a feature request thread of any sort ! :scream:

Yep, done! and I will edit a bit to clarify…


i don’t believe that bone dragon armor stop spell would pass, there are several ways to strip armor on low rarity cards and there is no sense in nerfing them too.

My fix would be to have his spell “steal [magic] armor and create 8 skulls boosted by remaining armor (3:1)”

This way troops have a chance to survive with their remaining armor as a buffer (this is even more true for troops with skull damage reduction)

ill reply u in the topic about it, here lets go back to spoilers :stuck_out_tongue:


This thread got massively side tracked, can someone who remembers post next weeks stone colors again?

Red/purple and green/red.

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Agrees +1
Seriously, stop posting non-spoiler related chat in a spoiler thread.
It takes a lot of efforts for my finger to click into a link, you know?

So, any updates on changes to other Maugrim Woods troops for the next event?


Sad news…

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Yes. Sad face :sob:

Wishing for Kerberos buff.

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