(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

No, we only had true damage teams, or skeleton teams that would kill you without giving you a chance to respond. Or webspiner before that which would just endlessly loop until you eventually die. Or TSO were you couldn’t use any skills. Etc. Manti is far less of a problem (if it even is a problem) then what we had in past. The fact that you still can win easy but with a little bit extra time needed is great. Doesn’t make a troop OP in any way. Problems I listed from past made you lose without giving you a way to respond.


Did you know that warhound reduce enemy attack by 22?! Did you know kopeshi pulls enemy troop (read bone dragon) to first slot letting you make manticore attack gain futile (lion and Tiger weapon do the same with dealing decent damage on top but cost slightly more)? Did you know Sylvasi steals 14 attack and can’t be drained by Manti because he has stealth? Did you know gorgotha?
So there are ways to counter Manti. The thing is you don’t want to use those counters which is completely on you.
Seems like you got the impression that you should be able to use 1 team, get 100% win rate and win all games under 1 minut. Do you want a cherry on top of that? Damn devs must have sleepless night because they designed a troop that makes your battle last a minute longer! They should walk the plank, curse them!


I know this is asking too much, but

Lord Ironbeard should have Thick Headed in place of Dwarf Bond.

I know that makes him powerful, but it is annoying that he is a Manticore/EK counter that just gets stunned losing his Monster Slayer. Even if Stone Skin needed to be dropped down to Armored to balance it out.

If they nerf Manticore/BD etc, how are we gonna lose a battle? It will be like 100% win rate for everyone, especially endgame players. The humans has too much adventage starting out every battle against CPU. Is everyone looking for a 100% win rate in PVP invades, no losses at all? We already have our defends teams down to 25-33% winning rate. Should it go down to 10%? Would that make people happy? People lose only a few games a week, and they running to the board to scream about nerf. Always the same people. There will always be troops that will be used the most, no matter what nerfs or changes the devs gonna do. Some people should really had think about consequences of nerfing the best troops in the game.

I know that the Devs is working with the CPU and has been testing it some weeks for the consoles, I am hoping the testing is going well, and that we can have the new CPU not far away from now on PC/mobile.


Courage. It’s just crazy how much that troop snowballs on defense. Once enough players have got it fully traited on Mythic level, I’d expect to encounter it at least every other fight.


My defense of EK/Valk/Lady Anariel/Famine is still winning games! At a 25% rate as we speak.

Thought it was fairly obvious that everything theyve released in this game in the past year is purposely slowing down battles,ie the power creep more hp attack armor endless useless trait animations,loading screens etc.any of the so called “meta” invade teams are the few troops that can still manage a fast victory thus any meta defend team is the most annoying/slowing teams.

ok, i stand corrected:
we had such units and they were nerfed, so this should not be a standard now as it was not suppose to be a standard then.

not obvious to me

I have been singing this from the rooftops for what feels like forever.

I agree 100%


I changed my defense to a single Manticore and ever since I’ve never had a manticore team as my hardest option (well maybe once in a blue moon). That seems to be the best fix for me. I haven’t had as much fun in a long time. It’s amazing how frustrating that team makes the game.

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God please you for this post. The idea that there is no way to counter Manticore is beyond laughable.

These nerf xyz meta troop discussions make me feel like I’m in some horrible Alice in Wonderland time loop. It always pops up without fail when a gazillion people use the same copypasta defense that actually gets some meager wins. There will always be a new troop combination that will get wins through sheer RNG power.

A real cure for these stale defense metas is incentivizing unique changes on defense. If we are lucky, we may see that the new ability to customize defenses will help with adding defense variety.


I find BD more annoying (if it gets to cast). And double Manticore. But a single one injects a bit of skill into my game which I don’t mind.

But the level of annoying is still acceptable to me.
Note that I am end-game, but I’m also casual in that last night I had no problem taking 15 minutes to defeat a defense that killed my EK on BD then Mab on the Death Mark of the last hit from that BD (Wight up front is an interesting idea). Just Valk + Famine defeated them all in the end.

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Yup, next on the list is immunity to true damage.

People want to feel like they win or lose based on their involvement, their skill, and they get frustrated when they feel helpless. The problem: the rules of the game are simple, the skill ceiling is kind of low, and randomness plays a substantial role. People expect that if they play perfectly, they will win. Winning or losing because of randomness means that the player might as well not have been involved at all – just set an invasion team, and let the AI duke it out for you.

Fundamentally, it’s a match-3 game mashed together with a collectible card game. The skill ceiling would have to increase substantially for players to be able to lose fairly, but I don’t know if that’s possible without drastically changing the basic structure of the game. Only being able to lose because you get unlucky and the AI gets lucky isn’t much fun, regardless of whether you’re winning or losing.


People moaning, then people moaning about those people moaning, aaaaaaaaand repeat, makes me feel good about not caring less

Wait wait you mean that if your defense is really weak you generally get weak teams to invade? I heard that was the case but didn’t know if it was confirmed. Hmm now Sisters one Dwarf Slayer team kind of makes sense now…if you’re not running into Manti/Courage/BD teams all the time I imagine you can harvest more wins/hour that would more than offset the horrible defense stats.

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So go moan some more about how you aren’t moaning cause you are so high above it all…moan :roll_eyes:

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Still you care enough to make a comment.


Bla bla bla bla bla. Much hate, trying to catch some internet points by being a suck-up, I get it. Good for you. I’ll “like” your post too :smiley: so you can be proud. Don’t forget all of the “?!?!” in your next post either, makes you seem soo witty (?!), not.

I’m currently using 5 different pvp teams, depending on what I’m facing. Not “1 team to get 100% win rate under 1 minute”. Neither of those teams does games “under 1 minute” either. If you refuse to try and understand the point about manticore - no one can force you. Go ahead and enjoy playing games with warhound in your deck. I can always find a different game. The cards you listed are not counters, they are pathetic ways to justify keeping manticore broken to this degree lol.

do you know what stun does? if not - go read the description again. Gorgotha is totally useless against double manticore teams.

As for any other troop you mentioned, good luck charging them while there’s 2 (TWO) empowered manticores on the other side :smiley: which after the initial cast require a whole grand 9 (NINE) mana to be ready to cast again. You think you can keep up with charging your super-anti-manticore team? I highly doubt that.

And even if you did, you will be decreasing manticores attack while it’s pumping it up. Great battle-plan, a game that will never end because that’s all you will do. Because if you try charging something else - you won’t get the attack down, oh well.

I always considered you one of the people who actually think around here. Guess it’s time to review that opinion. I’m just wondering if you simply refuse to see the point about manticore, or you’re too daft to do so.

But just for you, I will repeat it once again: can manticore be beat? YES. That doesn’t change the fact that those games are a nuisance that spoil the fun of playing GoW. A blue rarity card should NOT have the combination of utility manticore has, hell there’s barely any higher rarity cards that have this degree of usefulness compared to the cost.

Just for the sake of all those crying how “well balanced manticore is” and that all you need it “brain” to beat it, I would be even OK with that broken troop keeping impervious and empowered, if the cost gets increased to 11, that’s the bare minimum this troop needs to stop ruining the fun of playing the game. The rate at which it’s capable of re-charging is ridiculous.

also, keep the cherry, don’t want anything from you. I’m sure you can think of something creative, what to do with that cherry.


God bless, Mercy! :slight_smile:

You said you cant counter counter manti I listed you troops that do counter it.
You said it’s overpowered and I listed above that troops that were truly overpowered. Is manti one of them? No. Is it a good troop? It is. But not the best one which you can see since not many players actually use it to attack, just to defend. The only team where manti does above average is that defense where manti is above average troop.
I don’t disagree that it’s cost could be raised.
I don’t disagree that it could be changed so manti doesn’t have both empowered and impervious.
Is it something that has to happen? It doesn’t, but it could. But manti already got its round of nerfs so I doubt it will be getting some more.
As for the hate part and “Internet points by being a suck up” this shows which way you want this discussion to continue so this will be my last comment on the topic. I have no feelings towards you (neither love or hate), neither do I want/need any Internet points. I was simply contributing to discussion with my point of view. People liked it because it’s their point of view too.