(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

It’s good to see a little bit of innovation with troop mechanics (e.g. Auspecia, Ironhawk, Willy) after so many cookie cutters and otherwise unremarkable or underpowered troops (Godslayers, other ‘damage plus mediocre effect’ or ‘grant one troop barrier/stats’ weeklies).

I wouldn’t really count Ironhawk as innovation, as Ironhawk is just a Doomskull version of Captain Skullbeard. I did want one of these things though, so its still a win for me.

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Regarding Willy the Anchor, “sink to the bottom” is the new text unification effort for “move to last position”?


Hmm, I’m not sure. I expect it is just flavor text for this one particular troop, just like how the Executioner has its own way to describe an instakill.

I think we need to rename the spell. That isn’t a rocket barrage anymore. Its more like a water gun.


Was looking at the new mythic scheduled for May (Dao). Looks fun but the third trait caught my attention:

30% chance to summon a Servant of the Dao when matching 4 or more Gems.

I realize a lot of troops will be released between now and then, but thought it was funny/interesting that it’ll summon a troop that doesn’t exist in the game files yet. I.e. would assume the other troop would be coded first and then added to a trait.

And Servant of Dao, will have another 20-50% chance to summon Dao on cast… imagine that infinite loop of summons :laughing:

Well, Nocturnia has a 20% chance to summon Fell Dragon Egg on cast, and another 50% to summon on death. Then Fell Dragon Egg has a 33% chance to summon Nocturnia.

I’d expect Servant of Dao to deal some damage with his cast- like Queens Herald or Ethoras. Maybe damage boosted by Elemental allies?

He can also be a tanky piece of Rock without any summoning powers, but gaining barrier on cast…
That will make this mythic iritating to fight against:
will steal your magic and summon a tanky barrier-gaining minnion, which will give him enough time to drain your magic to 0…

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Dripping Caverns/Grosh-Nak

Despite the colors, this feels vaguely familiar design-wise. Surely the layout is different at least?


I think the colors are neat, like crystals :open_mouth:

The troops though…
Not exactly pleasing to look at like the map. :sweat_smile:

Also, the updates arts of Legendary Tarot series are pretty nice!

And… That new Leonis Tower is a Mythic troop now, the first of its kind. Would still be unobtainable though, and work only as the enemy in World Event / Invasion hybrid, like we once have in Glacial Peak.

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I am digging the yellow ooze monster. It is just so excited to get wherever it’s headed! The tarot art also looks great. I’m excited to see how it features in the game.

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Dripping Caverns’ monsters are like Mist Stalker, but more nasty?

Just a thought: the last faction will be Fire Rift. Just because Broken Spire is the first kingdom you open.


I have long suspected they would save that for last.

It was almost a week after the update, and there is still no data about these new troops. :sob:


The troops above, still not sooo much, but they finally just put in a bunch of info on some other troops like the next faction.

Still fairly incomplete though.

Idk…forest troll anyone??

Basically Setauri with very slightly different traits. Its even using the Setauri attack picture.

If this isn’t placeholder info, they’ve given up on the game.