(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Number of empowered converter troops using X mana color:

Blue: 4
Green: 5
Red: 7
Yellow: 7
Purple: 6
Brown: 1

We need another converter into brown, but we also need another brown-using converter—and maybe more than one. I doubt that the devs would let a single troop fill both roles, so I hope we are not done with empowered converters (despite other players’ irritation with that style of troop).


In a world with empowered converters, the only solution is the mutually assured destruction caused by the proliferation of empowered converters…

Seems @Shimrra was right; from the GoW Alliance server (with thanks to @Borjay):

So it would seem as if premium currency won’t be able to buy these shrine “rewards.”

So for F2P, this is dead-on-arrival content, just like flash offers and the reworked shop were.

Warbands, remains to be seen — but does anyone like the idea of being forced to play with pre-made teams? Sounds like a disaster to me :smiling_face_with_tear:


Sounds like a disaster to me too.

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Warbands count as troops we can collect right? that’s like +4 per kingdom? maybe?

They might want to if there is something uniquely beneficial about each warband team or they’re unusually strong in some way. That’s a very big if though. Plus if they actually are unique and powerful teams, I am sure there will be people who will complain about it.

Probably just bad commons with increased stats or something. *shrug*

Holy you know what, £10 for a chance at major orbs?? No wonder some of the campaign mythics cost orbs.

Grind to pay to have a chance… Fools errand



After seeing how the devs “build” teams…I am less than optimistic about these “pre-made” teams.
And I’m anticipating that “shrines” are just “lootboxes” spelled incorrectly.
Just have to wait and see.


Minor spoilers:

New Achievements:

# Item name Old New
2 [ACHIEVEMENT_WARBAND_1_TITLE] One Time at Warband Camp…
3 [ACHIEVEMENT_WARBAND_2_DESCRIPTION] Fill a Shrine completely
5 [ACHIEVEMENT_WARBAND_3_DESCRIPTION] Reach 40,000 Total Underworld Renown
6 [ACHIEVEMENT_WARBAND_3_TITLE] Well, I’m Very Happy For You
7 [ACHIEVEMENT_WARBAND_TROPHIES_DESCRIPTION] Additional trophies for the Warband & Shrine Update

Easy enough.

There’s some text about Warbands, but its almost easier to just wait for the preview stream tomorrow and/or the patch notes.

There’s some text about Shrines. Same thing as above, only less interesting.

Some minor troop text changes. The Sun got a 1% buff on its spell.


It seems like the big unknown is how War Coins will be obtained. That could make or break the update. If the intent is for Warbands to be easy teams for new players to use, you’d think that farming them would be fairly painless. That just hasn’t been the trend lately…


Feels like too much work went into this to be targeted at new players. My gut feeling says it’s some new game mode that requires those teams to be used.

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New spoilers. There’s a ton of text dump and a good majority look like reuploads. I’m not going to sift through it… just going to point out a few obvious changes.

  1. The Labyrinth layout:

  1. Duergaroth layout:

  1. The Scourge of Honor went from 24 mana to 22 mana. Still not a great Mythic except for quick clearing Delves, I think.

  2. Quetzalma went from 24 mana to 26 mana. Not impressed. 24 mana was fine.

  3. Kharybdis still has Trait #3: Titanic Gain 10 Life when matching 4 or more Gems.
    King Minos still has Trait #3: Maze Master Give 50% Mana to all Tauros Allies when battle begins.

So, I’m ok with Baphomet, since it takes a Talent and puts it on a troop. Talents took some good ideas and made it really restrictive to just heroes.

I’m not ok with plagiarizing the Behemoth’s 3rd trait while loosely changing the text. Its the exact same effect. 3rd Traits should be completely unique, otherwise what’s the point of Legendaries and Mythics?

I’m also not ok with taking a Hero’s trait and making it another troop’s 3rd trait. Same reason, 3rd Traits should be completely unique.

  1. The Sun has the most unique un-Gems of War art I’ve seen. Looks nice, but out of place. The Sun’s spell cast is also the least unique attack art I’ve seen yet. … just the art twisted sideways. What the flying ****? How do you have the best and worst anything on the same art/troop?


Although I’m not a fan of team shuffle theme of this faction, I have to say that the arts is exactly as I wanted.

I can see that, but I think there is a point to it, including its different art style.

It’s a Major Arcana Tarot theme, and troop art with boarder is to make it look like an actual Tarot card. The spell is when you draw it from the deck and flip it, hence the duplication and “Draw” in spell name.

You can see the detail of a human on a four-leg beast with a giant sun in the background is quite similar.

Also, The Moon card might also come in the future as well, as this trait already existed in spoiler, but no troop with it.


  • Inflict a random status effect to a random Enemy when an Ally casts a spell.

So at least one more of them is coming. How about The Star? or the rest of the remaining in the 22 cards of this deck?

Also, did you see the .png version of this troop? It’s not just the same art without background,

but a full card with light effect, like the Treasure troops.

In my opinion, this troop might not even be available from Event keys, but other ways like in Campaign Pass or Vault (like Heart of Rage), or even a completely new system, like Guild Guardian and Faction troops.

Excited to see how it turned out. I think the effort they put in to make this troop so unique could predict a cool new features!


Not really a spoiler, since anyone can see it in-game now, but I think I really like the next cosmetic pet design.

Needlessly cruel and I have no idea how its a pet, but I do find it funny/enjoyable. I’ll probably be rocking it for awhile.


I feel like The Sun was specifically created for Shahbanu Vespera, both in terms of art and mana cost. I won’t be surprised if she gets purple and blue “cards” too.

shelf on an elf made me laugh.


New spoilers, not fully detailed:

Adana Mythic
February 5th
Create 20 Doomskulls. Then explode {1} Gems.

No 3rd trait, no color, no mana specified.

I remember pitching a mythic Captain Skullbeard. This is… insane, especially if you have like no magic and leave basically all of the Doomskulls behind. With Magic, its a full board clear (+ more)

NUTCRKR 1225 might overshadow it though, since its a cheaper mana cost legendary that eliminates all armor from a troop. Doesn’t hit life like Ironhawk would though.

Whitehelm Mythic
March 5th
The Archdeva
Chose an Ally. Give them {1} Attack, Life and Armor, and fill their Mana. Can only be cast once.

Unless this is empowered, this is terrible. I wouldn’t volunteer to use it even if it wasn’t single cast. Since this is a mythic, its bound to have a very high mana cost, defeating the purpose of using this as an alternate mana source. {1} Life and Armor isn’t exciting, since I can see it on Tink and Holy St. Astra. Not even all that interesting as an Attack, Life, and Armor booster since its only one time use. If its empowered than I’ll open it with welcome arms. Makes interesting options possible.

No 3rd trait, no color, no mana specified.

and non-associated stuff:

43 [TRAIT_ARTILLERYSUPPORT_DESC] Deal 5 damage to all Enemies when an Ally casts a spell.
45 [TRAIT_BANDINGARMOR_DESC] Gain 2 Armor for each Ally with a Banding Trait.
47 [TRAIT_BANDINGATTACK_DESC] Gain 1 Attack for each Ally with a Banding Trait.
49 [TRAIT_BANDINGLIFE_DESC] Gain 2 Life for each Ally with a Banding Trait.
51 [TRAIT_BANDINGMAGIC_DESC] Gain 1 Magic for each Ally with a Banding Trait.
52 [TRAIT_SANCTUARY] Sanctuary
53 [TRAIT_SANCTUARY_DESC] Barrier and Bless a random Ally when matching 4 or more Gems.
55 [TRAIT_TRUEBANDING_DESC] Gain 1 to all my Skills for each Ally with a Banding Trait.

Artillary Support: might be Ironhawk’s 3rd trait? Could be good synergy…

Sanctuary: Barrier and Bless a random Ally when matching 4 or more Gems: Might be Archdeva’s 3rd trait? Solid, but not enough to make Archdeva a single cast troop…

Banding Traits? One of Magic’s least favorite key words? Sure, let’s see what happens


Any guesses where these will come in? I was thinking faction, but looks like there’s 5 different traits for it (armor, attack, life, magic, true), so maybe not?

Won’t work, even a single exploding gem will likely trigger a chain reaction blowing up the whole board.

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